This library was created to make interacting with the official and third-party APIs for Path of Exile easier. Data can be requested with a simple function call, the responses are then converted into fully typed class objects which you can interact with. For example, when posting a search query to the trade API, you can immediately request the listings by calling a function on the search result object which contains the hashes (see Examples).
Please check out the documentation for more information.
Since there are so many APIs with varying response structures, things may be incorrect or missing. If you notice something that needs to be added or fixed, please submit an issue.
Install with npm:
$ npm i @klayver/poe-api-wrappers --save
Please refer to
⚠️ The following examples do not handle errors to keep it simple. You should wrap your calls in a try/catch block or do whatever you do to catch errors (see Handling errors).
Many APIs are rate limited, so if you want to hit an API often in a short timeframe, consider implementing logic to comply with rate limits.
import { PathOfExile } from "@klayver/poe-api-wrappers";
Before making requests to the official API, you should set your user agent, as requested by GGG here.
PathOfExile.Settings.userAgent = "my-awesome-tool-name, [email protected]";
You can also define a session ID, which will be used in every request you make. Some endpoints require the session ID to be defined (see documentation).
PathOfExile.Settings.sessionId = "y0uRs3ss10n1dh3r3";
let chunk = await PathOfExile.PublicStashTabs.getChunk();
for (let i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
console.log(`This chunk has ${chunk.stashes.length} stashes.`);
chunk = await chunk.getNext();
// Get the ladder with the first 200 entries
const ladder = await PathOfExile.Ladders.get("Standard", { limit: 200 });
// Request the remaining entries in chunks of 200 until there are no entries left
while ((await ladder.getNextEntries()) != null) {
console.log(`Current entries: ${ladder.entries.length}`);
// Filter by online players
const online = ladder.filterBy("online", true);
console.log(`${online.length}/${} players are currently online.`);
const query = {
query: {
status: { option: "online" },
name: "Shavronne's Wrappings",
type: "Occultist's Vestment",
sort: { price: "asc" },
const search = await"Standard", query);
const results = await search.getNextItems();
if (results != null) {
for (const result of results) {
const price = result.listing.price;
console.log(`Item is being sold for ${price.amount} ${price.currency}`);
import { Ninja } from "@klayver/poe-api-wrappers";
const collection = await Ninja.Currency.get("Standard", "Currency");
for (const currency of collection.entries) {
console.log(`${} costs ${currency.chaosEquivalent} Chaos Orb`);
Requests to the Path of Exile API throw custom errors when something goes wrong. The thrown custom error class include the same error codes as the ones documented in the official developer API documentation. Please note that you should also check for other errors, which might occur when, for example, no internet connection is available.
try {
await PathOfExile.Account.getProfile();
} catch (error: unknown) {
if (error instanceof PathOfExile.APIError) {
console.log(`Request failed with code ${error.code}: ${error.message}`);
// Handle other errors...