Order of things:
- Train the model
- Export it
- Sanity check the exported model
- Plot the detections onto test images
- Use the exported model in a TensorFlow Serving container
- Send inference requests to the container
- Prepare input
- Process output
- Use the exported model in KServe
- Send inference requests to the KServe InferenceService
- Prepare input
- Process output
- Use the exported model in a Flask app
- Send inference requests to the Flask app from a HTML page
- Use the exported model in OpenVINO Model Server
- Inference with KServe takes too long and needs too much CPU
- Inference using a 100x83 image takes 1.5s with 5 CPU and 12Gi memory
- Inference using a 960x540 image takes ~4.5s with 5 CPU and 12Gi memory
- Inference using a 6000x8000 image (image to be posted by a phone) takes ~100s with 5 CPU and 12Gi memory
- When CPU is set to 1, durations are ~2.5x longer
- When TensorFlow Serving is used in a Docker container, durations are much shorter (no memory/CPU limit)