This is the common configuration files on the machines of developers at K&D interactive
Also contains the executable 'kdi' which encapsulates common procedures.
.. = "cd .."
... = "cd ../.."
.... = "cd ../../.."
..... = "cd ../../../.."
g = "git"
undopush = "git push -f origin HEAD^:master"
nose = "sudo node server.js"
node-env = "export NODE_ENV=$1 | echo Node environment set to $1"
whois = "whois -h"
myip = "ifconfig | grep inet | grep -v | cut -d\ -f2"
lesscss = "lessc assets/less/main.less assets/css/main.css"
lessmin = "lessc -x assets/less/main.less assets/css/main.min.css"
For a complete list visit aliases
Assembled by Makis Tracend
Thanks to Paul Irish, Zach Holman, Mathias Bynens, Ory Band for their contributions to the dotfiles repositories.
Also thanks to Github for hosting, actively supporting and adding valuable resourses 1...