Ansible role that provisions a target system with kapture setup
Configured to use:
- Plex - plays content
- Transmission - downloads torrents
- flexget - used to read from showrss and pull in new episodes
- Apple file share: Pointing to storage device
- Samba: Pointing to storage device
This repo is set up to be able to spin up a new kapture node locally, without having to go through the using your own pi hardware and whatnot.
You'll need the following tools installed first:
# Install Brew if not already installed
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
# Install Cask within brew
brew tap caskroom/cask
# use Brew to install vagrant and virtualbox
brew cask install vagrant virtualbox
To get started, simply run the following:
vagrant up
This will take some time to set up kapture the way it needs to be configured. In the meantime, grab a beer.
Once that's complete (you may see some warnings and errors but as long as it gets to a part where it says System built successfully. Connect to...
you're good to go). Then simply connect to:
or if your mDNS isn't working:
First use the following image flashed onto a sd card in order to get a base OS:
Put the sd card into the pi, power it up, and run the following in this directory in order to transform a pi into a kapture:
ansible-playbook -i inventory/xenial initial-setup.yml --ask-sudo-pass
On first run It will prompt you for a sudo pass, which is ubuntu
. Let that complete and you should have a new kapture device located at:
It will also set a SSH password for the ubuntu
user of: kapture is the bombest thing ever
. Last it sets up some authorized_keys for that user as defined by the group_vars file.
- Raspberry PI (or other pi's) w/ ubuntu 16.04
- SSH key-based login configured properly with sudo access from machine running ansible (
) - Storage device setup, connected, and working correctly (you may need to change the target device via
. Seegroup_vars/pi.yml
If plex won't play certain videos because the bananapi isn't powerful enough, you'll need to use the included script
on the file that won't play properly.