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Ansible role for deploying kapture to a target system

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Kapture Ansible role

Ansible role that provisions a target system with kapture setup

Configured to use:

  • Plex - plays content
  • Transmission - downloads torrents
  • flexget - used to read from showrss and pull in new episodes
  • Apple file share: Pointing to storage device
  • Samba: Pointing to storage device

Running via vagrant

This repo is set up to be able to spin up a new kapture node locally, without having to go through the using your own pi hardware and whatnot.

OSX pre-req's

You'll need the following tools installed first:

# Install Brew if not already installed
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

# Install Cask within brew
brew tap caskroom/cask

# use Brew to install vagrant and virtualbox 
brew cask install vagrant virtualbox

Starting up kapture in vagrant

To get started, simply run the following:

vagrant up

This will take some time to set up kapture the way it needs to be configured. In the meantime, grab a beer.

Once that's complete (you may see some warnings and errors but as long as it gets to a part where it says System built successfully. Connect to... you're good to go). Then simply connect to:


or if your mDNS isn't working:

Pi setup

First use the following image flashed onto a sd card in order to get a base OS:

Put the sd card into the pi, power it up, and run the following in this directory in order to transform a pi into a kapture:

ansible-playbook -i inventory/xenial initial-setup.yml --ask-sudo-pass

On first run It will prompt you for a sudo pass, which is ubuntu. Let that complete and you should have a new kapture device located at:


It will also set a SSH password for the ubuntu user of: kapture is the bombest thing ever. Last it sets up some authorized_keys for that user as defined by the group_vars file.

Hardware requirements

  • Raspberry PI (or other pi's) w/ ubuntu 16.04
  • SSH key-based login configured properly with sudo access from machine running ansible (ssh_authorized_keys)
  • Storage device setup, connected, and working correctly (you may need to change the target device via storage_block_device. See group_vars/pi.yml)


If plex won't play certain videos because the bananapi isn't powerful enough, you'll need to use the included script on the file that won't play properly.


Ansible role for deploying kapture to a target system






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