A categorized community-driven collection of awesome Cuchi libraries, tools, frameworks and software. The essential Cuchi to build modern Apps and Web Apps.
- ASCUCHIII - You can access it here. computer A gem to get a cute ASCII cuchi easily aka ASCUCHIII computer.
- Cuchile - You can access it here. One of the most 2022 hyped games now with Cuchi's flavor.
- Personal Cuchi Website - You can access it here. Personal page at https://cuchi.me
- Cuchinizer - You can access it here. 💎 A very powerfull tool to write ruby code just using
- Paulocoachi - You can access it here. O nome já explica muito bem
- Arcuchicionado - You can access it here. Ar Cuchicionado é um CaaS (Cuchi as a Service) para todos aqueles que estão sentindo calor e precisam se refrescar nesse clima tropical.
- Paulo Cuchi - P-A-U-L-O C-U-C-H-I