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juvenal edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

This is a forked repository. Have a look at
timcharper’s git_osx_installer wiki
for more information.

I’m comprising a few more steps to guarantee a successfull build on Tiger and Leopard, with Intel and PowerPC CPUs with 32 and 64 bits.
I’m also adding a customized disk image for the install, as well as a to provide information about the repository in which you are in when in a command line terminal window.
Oh! Did I mention that I changed the install place to a more common one for UNIX users (under /usr/local tree, not /usr/local/git). This avoids a lot of path and manpath custom configs, as the new final places are already pre-configured into the OS.
The build system also changed to avoid the need to became root (doing sudo) and installing the software prior to generate the package (a trick stolen from best practices of the Red Hat RPM packaging techniques). So you don’t need to be root (sudo) in order to build the package, but you need it to install the final package.

I hope you find it useful, and as fun using as developing it.

Best Regards.

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