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TM Code Challenge Notes

1. Overview

  • This document contains documentation and links for setting up, running, and maintaining:
    1. A C# .NET 6 service to access a Twitter stream API, compute various statistics for the random tweets that it provides, and provide access to the statistics via an HTTPS API call.
    2. A C# .NET 6 Razor Web application to display those results on demand by calling the aforementioned API.

1.1. Table of Contents

2. Specification

  • Your app should consume this sample stream and keep track of the following:
    • Total number of tweets received
    • Top 10 Hashtags
  • Your app should also provide some way to report these values to a user (periodically log to terminal, return from RESTful web service, etc).
  • If there are other interesting statistics you’d like to collect, that would be great. There is no need to store this data in a database; keeping everything in-memory is fine. That said, you should think about how you would persist data if that was a requirement.
  • It’s very important that when the application receives a tweet it does not block statistics reporting while performing tweet processing. Twitter regularly sees 5700 tweets/second, so your app may likely receive 57 tweets/second, with higher burst rates. The app should process tweets as concurrently as possible to take advantage of available computing resources.

3. Folders and Files

Folder or File Description
SampledStreamApp Folder containing Web app to display Twitter data accumulated provided by our API
SampledStreamAppTests Folder containing Web app unit test suite
SampledStreamCollector Folder containing Web service to collect and process tweets from the Twitter sampled stream
SampledStreamCollectorTests Folder containing Web service unit test suite
SampledStreamCommon Folder containing common classes to be shared between the Web app and the Web service
.dockerignore List of files that Docker should ignore and not package
.gitattributes List of files and Git attributes that Git should use when performing its actions
.gitignore List of files that Git should ignore and not track This documentation file
TMCodeChallenge.sln Main Code Challenge Visual Studio Solution file

4. Usage and Testing

4.1. Setup

  • Create an environment variable STREAM_BEARER_TOKEN with your Twitter API bearer token
  • Load the solution TMCodeChallenge.sln into Visual Studio

4.2. Manual Testing

  • Select project SampledStreamCollector for the Web API service to collect tweet data and provide it in an API
    • Select IIS Express as Build Target on drop down (could also select Docker if you have Docker Desktop and WSL installed)
    • Select preferred Web Browser using Build Target drop down if required
    • Run (Ctrl+F5) or Debug (F5) the project, which should open a browser with the Swagger API
      • Refer to the Output window to see log messages such as for the Tweet processing
      • Use Swagger in the browser to execute the GET call to the API endpoint
        • Inspect the response body
        • Execute the API call repeatedly to see increasing numbers in stats
      • Test the API from the command line curl -X 'GET' 'https://localhost:44355/api/GetSampledStream' -H 'accept: text/plain'
  • Select project SampledStreamApp for the Web App User Interface that calls the Web API (which must still be running)
    • Select IIS Express as Build Target (could also select Docker if you have Docker Desktop and WSL installed)
    • Select preferred Web Browser using Build Target drop down if required
    • Run (Ctrl+F5) or Debug (F5) the project, which should open a browser with the Swagger API
      • View the statistics
  • Stop debugging (Shift F5)

4.3. Automated Unit Tests

  • Select project SampledStreamApp
    • Note that all browser Unit Tests are currently hard coded to use Chrome (see To Do List)
    • Select IIS Express as Build Target on drop down (could also select Docker if you have Docker Desktop and WSL installed)
    • Start project without Debugging (Ctrl+F5) to show default Web page on localhost
      • If this is not run then the Selenium tests of the results web page will be skipped
        • Chrome will still load and exit a couple of times, but tests will still succeed
      • If this is run then the Selenium based tests of the results web page will be performed
    • Run all automated tests (Ctrl+R, A) or open the tests from Test Explorer (Ctrl+E, T) and run selected tests

5. Next Steps / To Do List

5.1. To Do before submission

  • Create SampleStreamedCollector project from ASP.NET Core Web API template in solution TMCodeChallenge
    • Replace controller with dummy stream stats controller
    • Add Test suite project and basic tests
    • Add strategic exception handling
    • Stats for API result to use shared class
      • Return extra stats
    • Create background task to attach to Twitter stream
      • Add dummy tweets to concurrent queue
      • Add incoming tweets to concurrent queue
    • Create background service to pull incoming tweets from concurrent queue
      • Loop through tweets extracting hashtags
      • Add / update totals using a dictionary
      • Add / update top 10 tag list
  • Create SampleStreamedApp project from ASP.NET Core Web App template in solution TMCodeChallenge
    • Replace home page with dummy stream stats
    • Add Test suite project and basic tests
    • Add Index Page Object to simplify testing
    • Add strategic exception handling and tests
    • Stats for API result to use shared class
    • Call SampleStreamCollector API to retrieve stats
  • Create SampleStreamShared project from shared code library template in solution TMCodeChallenge
    • Shared stats class for API result
      • Total tweets
      • Tweets per hour and per day
      • Tweet queue count
      • Top 10 tags and counts
  • Documentation
    • Usage and testing
    • Update diagrams with latest design
  • Submission email
    • Set Twitter API bearer token in STREAM_BEARER_TOKEN environment variable
    • GitHub URL and authentication (make repo public)

5.2. Future features and steps for consideration

  • Use feature branches, merges, and pull requests for multi-user development, rather than just working on main branch!
Priority Category Effort Description
H Architecture S Modify Shared Stats object to have a 'build stats record' method that locks the object and creates an instance
of the simplified Stats record (already used by the Web app) that can be returned by the GetStats API
H Security M Add OAUTH to secure the main API call
H Tests M Test and document running of tests using dotnet command for CI/CD automation
H Architecture M Improve exception handling for edge cases, network errors etc.
H Architecture M Switch Web App to a full Razor MVC app for an improved UI
M Security M Add OAUTH to secure Swagger UI
M Tooling M Use gRPC for improving service performance and efficiency
M Tooling M Use GraphQL for more advanced APIs
M Tooling M Build a class library for the entity data model for persistence
M Tooling S Create deployment automation script / Docker compose file for Docker containers
M Architecture M Add ability to restart background services and tasks after a serious error
M Performance S SampledStreamStats.UpdateTopHashtags method to add to the top 10 table could:
a) Check that the count is greater than the count of the lowest entry before doing any other checks
b) work upwards from the lowest count rather than downwards from the highest count
M Performance M Create multiple TweetBlock processors that can each run concurrently
M Performance S Batch up (concatenate) incoming tweets before adding them as a block to the queue and then deserialize them as a list
M Architecture M Move some of the hard coded values and URLs to configuration files
M Tests S Add testing of Blazor rendered pages using bUnit
M Tests M Add more unit tests (always)
M Tests M Enhance Web UI tests to also run in FireFox and Edge
M Tests M Finish setting up unit tests to run in parallel
M UI S Add auto refresh of the Web app page and a combo box to control the frequency
L Architecture M Replace worker BackgroundService implementation with a .NET Queue Service
L UI S Handle any multi-cultural and multi-lingual requirements such as date and number formatting
L Tooling S Minimize size of Docker containers by removing unneeded apps and tools
L Tests S Handle any remaining edge cases of running the date and time tests at exactly midnight

6. Design diagrams

6.1. SampledStream Web API

flowchart LR
  A("fa:fa-chrome External Application\ncalling API") <-->|Stats| PA
  B("fa:fa-twitter \nTwitter\nStream API") -->|Stream| CA
  subgraph SampledStreamCollector [.]
    subgraph Shared Data
      SA[Tweet queue]
      SB[Top 10 Hashtags]
      SC[Other Stats]
    subgraph Collector
      CA(Tweet\nCollector) -->|Tweet data| SA
    subgraph Updater
      SA -->|Tweet data| UA[[Parse out tweets]]
      UA --> UB[[Increment\nHashtag\nCounts]]
      UB <-->|AddOrUpdate| BA["All Hashtag Counts\n(ConcurrentDictionary)"]
      UB -->|Hashtag\n and Count| UC{Hashtag\nIn\nTop 10}
      UB --> SC
      UC -->|Yes| UD[[Replace\nin Top 10]]
      UD --> SB
      SB -.->|read| UC
    subgraph Provider
      SB -.->|read| PA[GetStreamStats\nAPI call]
      SC -.->|read| PA

6.2. SampledStream Web Application

flowchart LR
  A("fa:fa-firefox Web Browser") <--> AA
  subgraph SampledStreamApp
  AA[[Build Web Page]] <-->|Stats| PA
  subgraph SampledStreamCollector

7. Twitter APIs

  • Apply for API access

    # Sample results with example values from Twitter API documentation
    API Key Secret: AJX560A2Omgwyjr6Mml2esedujnZLHXXXXXX
  • Test from command prompt

    # Set bearer token for testing access (example value from Twitter API documentation)
    # Test API access
    curl -X GET "" -H "Authorization: Bearer ${env:BEARER_TOKEN}"

7.1. Using Postman to access Twitter APIs

  • Install Postman using Chocolatey

    • choco install postman -y
  • Import collection from Twitter API v2 collection

  • Set up consumer keys and tokens in Environment

    # Example values from Twitter API documentation
    consumer_key: `QAktM6W6DF6F7XXXXXX`
    consumer_secret: `AJX560A2Omgwyjr6Mml2esedujnZLHXXXXXX`
    access_token: `1995XXXXX-0NGqVhk3s96IX6SgT3H2bbjOPjcyQXXXXXXX`
    token_secret: `rHVuh7dgDuJCOGeoe4tndtjKwWiDjBZHLaZXXXXXX`
  • Click Send and check for 200 OK response and then Cancel

  • Response body will be empty because Twitter does not fill streams for Postman

  • Use Code | cURL to view the command, then copy and run it

7.2. Run the solution projects under Docker

# Set up the Twitter API token
export STREAM_BEARER_TOKEN=<token>
# Run the collector container image using the token
docker run -e "STREAM_BEARER_TOKEN" -d <collector image id>
# Show the latest log messages to monitor its progress
docker container logs <container id>
# Run a shell in the container for troubleshooting
docker container exec -i <container id> bash

8. References


C# .NET coding challenge






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