AgilityContest plugin for for chronometers with serial port interface Allow connect to AgilityContest Event bus any chronometer that uses serial port and complaint with these protocol Copyright 2019 by Juan Antonio Martinez < jonsito at gmail dot com >
- Command line invocation and
- Can also be started from AgilityContest console
- Web interface to show status. Can be used as auxiliary chronometer display
- Monitoring, test and logging features
Where options are:
-d comport || --device=com_port . Communication port to attach to
-p tcpport || --port=tcp_port . Where to listen for web interface. Default 8080
-s ip || --server=ip_address . Location of AgilityContest server. Default "localhost"
-r ring || --ring=ring_number . Tell server which ring to attach chrono. Default "1"
-l level || --debuglog=level . Set debug/logging level. Defaults to "error"
-f file || --logfile=filename . Set log file. Defaults to "stderr"
-b baud || --baud=baudrate . Set baudrate for comm port. Defaults 9600
-t || --test . Test mode. Don't try to connect server, just check comm port
-f || --find . Show available , non-busy comm ports
API Command description
- Is up to the user select serial port baudrate.
- Upper/Lower case is ignored
- Every command are ASCII text based, and ends with 0x0D 0x0A sequence ("windows/dos newline")
- Extra whitespaces and non-ASCII characterss are also ignored
- Time stamps are given in milisegundos
- Important: time deltas are trunk'd to cents of second; NOT round'd, as KCC directives say
Messages from Chronometer to Computer:
START [timestamp] < newline > (required)
Chronometer starts. Timestamp mark is optional. When ommited zero (0) is assumed
INT timestamp < newline > (optional)
Intermediate course run timestamp. Time shown is "timestamp - start", trunk'd to cents of seconds
STOP timestamp < newline > (required)
End of course run. Time shown is "timestamp - start", trunk'd to cents of seconds
FAIL < newline > (optional)
Sensor failure. Sent every second while error remains
OK < newline > (optional - required whenever fail is implemented )
Chronometer is ready. Sensor error is over
Bi-Directional messages:
Can be sent either for the chronometer or the Computer Chronometer can ignore these commands, but honoring RESET is recommended
MSG seconds message < newline >
Show message on chronometer display . "seconds" is number of seconds that message must be shown
DOWN [seconds] < newline >
Start CountDown when competitor receives ack to run. defaults to 15 seconds
FAULT + < newline >
FAULT - < newline >
FAULT number < newline >
Increase / Decrease / Set fault counter
REFUSAL + < newline >
REFUSAL - < newline >
REFUSAL numero < newline >
Increase / Decrease / Set refusal counter. If up to the user set ELIM flag after 3 refusals
ELIM < newline >
ELIM + < newline >
Set eliminated mark
ELIM - < newline >
Clear eliminated mark
RESET < newline >
Clears chronometer status, setting zero fault/refusal/countdown counters. Stop and clears chronometer