Coding challenge for getaround
Construct a small iPhone application that queries Twitter for the mention’s of ‘@Getaround’. The resulting tweets are to be displayed in a UITableview with refresh and paging support. Bonus points for native Twitter service integration.
The application will interface with the Twitter API; more specifically, the /search/tweets endpoint. Feel free to leverage any other third party services you wish, although it’s unlikely you will need any.
Resource URL
- Initial launch: fetch the latest set of Tweets containing the mention ‘@Getaround’. Each table cell should contain: A user avatar A user name The tweet itself
- Pull to refresh: fetch a fresh set of tweets.
- Infinite scrolling: fetch the next 15 tweets via the ?page= query parameter.
Bonus Requirements
- Swipe to delete: in-memory delete via swiping a table cell.
- Alternating row colors: break up the list of tweets via alternating row colors.
- Retweet: authenticate a user via the Twitter Framework to add ‘retweet’ functionality.
You are allowed to use third party libraries when appropriate (for example, we don’t expect you to write a brand new pull to refresh library). Please justify the use (when necessary) of any third party library (either in code comments or via email submission).
Development environment: Xcode 4.0 and above. Target: iOS 5.0 and above. Memory: Full ARC support (exceptions for 3rd party libraries). Interface Builder: Xibs are allowed, but we prefer views to be constructed in code.