A simple Camel Demo
Maven 3.2+
Apache ActiveMQ 5.12.1
Derby DB
# Linux
apache-activemq-5.12.1/bin> ./activemq start
# Windows
apache-activemq-5.12.1\bin$ activemq
Open a new terminal / command prompt.
Source your environment (Java Home, Maven Home)
To build the project routes type:
embassy> mvn clean install
You'll need to start each route in its own terminal for this demo.
embassy> mvn camel:run
Open a web browser the ActiveMQ console http://localhost:8161/admin/queues.jsp
Create a message for the request queue.
In the body section, copy and paste the below json body:
"businessEvent": "t00.sbx.BnrPerson",
"messageId": "61132227",
"timeStamp": "2015-11-02T18:29:28.747Z",
"sourceOfChange": "foobar",
"key": "30180",
"entity": "SPRIDEN",
"changeType": "INSERT",
"changeData": [
"new": "2015/11/02 18:29:18"
"new": null
"new": "2015/11/02 18:29:18"
"new": null
To configure debug mode of your Camel Unit Tests, setup your IDE's Debug runner to include the below VM options:
-ea -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005
To configure Tomcat 7 to run in debug mode, set the following:
For windows first set variables:
set JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
to start server in debug mode:
%TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat jpda start
For unix first export variables:
export JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 export JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket
and to start server in debug mode:
%TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/catalina.sh jpda start
Note: You'll need to configure your editor to connect to port 8000