Stockit allows you to track inventories of supplies, collectibles, etc. with increased accuracy and visibility. Search your collection by item name and document images, category, quantity, and expiration dates.
This app was built with Ruby 2.7 & Rails 6.0.3. Both need to be installed to run this program.
From the command line, set up a new directory on your machine:
$ mkdir stockit
$ cd stockit
Clone the github repository
$ git clone
Create and setup the database
$ bundle exec rake db:create
$ bundle exec rake db:setup
Run the Rails server
$ rails server
Navigate your browser to http://localhost:3000 to view the app
Stockit's User model was implemented with the Devise gem. This allows for secure user account creation and management.
Stockit allows users to upload and store images in their inventories. This functionality is impelemented with Active Storage, which comes built-in with Rails 5.2+. To add Active Storage tables to your database, simply run:
$ rails active_storage:install
$ rake db:migrate
Also make sure to update your related model(s) with a has_one_attached :img
and add :img to your strong parameters in your controller(s).
Stockit has a simple search bar that allows a user to search their inventory by item name. It is implemented with a class method: def
on the Inventory model.