Follow the setup steps at EasyForger setup.
While waiting for the setup to complete, understand the environment a bit.
Read the name of the tasks being run by gradle, they give a good idea of what is happening.
Follow the first mod steps at Your first mod.
Run minecraft.
Create a new world in creative mode.
Test the new EFCreeper explosion.
You can compare the explosion radius by exploding a normal Creeper.
- Not all items can be held, experiment!
heldItemMainHand = Items.DIAMOND_SWORD
- Now make the skeleton hold something.
- Copy the json files to the proper asset location.
Json file: Skeleton Drop Json
Copy to folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/loot_tables/entities
- Setup our skeleton to use that drop definition:
dropJson = s"$modId:entities/ef_skeleton"
- Do the same for the zombie.
Run the game and try our some existing smelting recipes in the Furnace, to understand the game mechanics around that:
- Grab a bunch of Raw Porkchops, put them in the Furnace;
- Grab some Coal and also put them in the Furnace;
- Try out some other recipes (
Create a new smelting recipe to smelt an apple into a cake:
Items.APPLE to Items.CAKE
Run the game and try out some existing recipes in the Crafting Table, to understand the game mechanics around that:
- Break a coal block into individual coal pieces;
- Create a diamond sword;
- Explore other recipes a bit: (or google for other guides).
Create a new crafting recipe to turn coal into diamond:
Items.COAL to Items.DIAMOND
- Change the recipe to be a shaped recipe:
Items.COAL to Items.DIAMOND withShape(
- Create some other new recipes as you wish.
- Create a new class for the item:
class ItemExplosionRod(modId: String) extends EFItem(modId, "explosionrod") {
- Set the creative tab we will use to find the item inside the game:
- Create the event handling that will trigger the explosion:
override def onEntitySwing(entity: EntityLivingBase, stack: ItemStack): Boolean = {
- Implement the explosion logic:
val target = entity.rayTrace(100, 1f)
entity, target.getBlockPos.getX, target.getBlockPos.getY, target.getBlockPos.getZ, 4f, true)
- Instantiate the new item:
val explosionRod = new ItemExplosionRod(modId)
- Inside
, register your item:
Open the game and test the rod.
Missing texture! Copy the texture file:
Texture file: Explosion Rod Texture
Copy to folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/textures/items
- Also copy the json texture model:
- double check the model id inside the file
Texture model: Explosion Rod Texture Model
Copy to folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/models/item
Test it again!
Add a proper name to the item, copying the i18n file:
i18n file: i18n file
Copy to folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/lang
- Add a custom recipe to allow creating an Explosion Rod with the crafting table.
- Create the new item class:
class ItemBanana(modId: String) extends EFItemFood(modId, "banana", 5, 0.4f, false) {
- Add two potion effects to the item:
setPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(MobEffects.JUMP_BOOST, 9 * 20, 1), 1f)
addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(MobEffects.MINING_FATIGUE, 5 * 20, 0), 0.5f)
- Copy the texture and texture model files to the assets folder:
Copy files: Banana texture and Banana model json
Note: don't forget to double check the mod id in the model json.
- Instantiate the new item:
val banana = new ItemBanana(modId)
- In the
method, register the new item:
- Start the game and test the new item.
- Create the class for the Sword:
class ItemVenomSword(modId: String) extends EFItemSword(modId, "venomsword", ToolMaterial.IRON) {
- Add the custom logic to run when hitting an enemy:
override def hitEntity(stack: ItemStack, target: EntityLivingBase, attacker: EntityLivingBase): Boolean = {
target.addPotionEffect(new PotionEffect(MobEffects.POISON, 3 * 20, 1, false, true))
super.hitEntity(stack, target, attacker)
- Copy the texture and the texture model files:
Copy files: Sword texture and Sword model json.
- Instantiate the item:
val venomSword = new ItemVenomSword(modId)
- And in the
method, register the item:
Open the game and test it!
Sad news: potion effect if not being correct applied at this moment, bug?
- Create the class for the block and set it up:
class BlockCloth(modId: String) extends EFBlock(modId, "clothblock", Material.CLOTH) {
dropItem = Items.BOOK
quantityDropped = 3
- Copy the block texture file:
Copy file: Block texture
To folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/textures/blocks
- Copy the model json files:
Copy item json model: Block item json
To Folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/models/item
Copy Block json model: Block model
To Folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/models/block
Copy Block states model: Block model
To Folder: src/main/resources/assets/$mod_id/blockstates
Note: double check the mod id in all json files!
- Instantiate the block:
val cloth = new BlockCloth(modId)
- Register the block and add a recipe to create it:
Items.STRING to cloth withShape
- Open the game and test it!