This book describes the data from the AC3 related airborne campaigns.
The compiled book with the data description and the examples can be found here
If you'd like to develop on and build the how_to_ac3airborne book, you should:
- Clone this repository and run
- Run
pip install -r requirements.txt
(it is recommended you do this within a virtual environment) - (Recommended) Remove the existing
directory - Run
jupyter-book build how_to_ac3airborne/
A fully-rendered HTML version of the book will be built in how_to_ac3airborne/_build/html/
Now you need to add it to git, commit it and push it back.
git add .
git commit -m "describe your work"
git push
The html version of the book is hosted on the gh-pages
branch of this repo.
- Navigating to your local build; and running,
ghp-import -n -p -f how_to_ac3airborne/_build/html
This can be automatically done an action on github which builds the gh-pages
branch. This is deactivated due to ac3airbone
being not available on PyPi More information on this hosting process can be found here.
You can see a list of current contributors in the contributors tab.
This project is created using the excellent open source Jupyter Book project and the executablebooks/cookiecutter-jupyter-book template.