Quick start:
Create file uncoded.dat
with 43040
bits of random data:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=uncoded.dat bs=1 count=5380
Encode file uncoded.dat
to encoded.wav
WAV audio file with 8000 Hz sample rate, 16 bits and only 1 (real) channel:
./encode encoded.wav 8000 16 1 uncoded.dat
Start recording to recorded.wav
audio file and stop after 20 seconds:
arecord -c 1 -f S16_LE -r 8000 -d 20 recorded.wav
Start playing encoded.wav
audio file:
aplay encoded.wav
Decode recorded.wav
audio file to decoded.dat
./decode decoded.dat recorded.wav
Compare original uncoded.dat
with decoded.dat
diff -s uncoded.dat decoded.dat
Prerequisite: disorders
Encode uncoded.dat
to analytic audio signal, add multipath, CFO, SFO, AWGN, decode and compare:
./encode - 8000 16 2 uncoded.dat 2000 | ../disorders/multipath - - ../disorders/multipath.txt 10 | ../disorders/cfo - - 234.567 | ../disorders/sfo - - 147 | ../disorders/awgn - - -30 | ./decode - - | diff -s uncoded.dat -
- Robust frequency and timing synchronization for OFDM
by Timothy M. Schmidl and Donald C. Cox - 1997 - On Timing Offset Estimation for OFDM Systems
by H. Minn, M. Zeng, and V. K. Bhargava - 2000