The setup relies on UKI and built-in EFI bootloader to boot the OS. mkinitcpio uses cmdline and kernel preset to build the kernel image. The cmdline root must be edited on every new installation.
The instruction on how to sign UKI for secureboot, using sbctl
The setup relies on systemd with uwsm to manage graphical session startup. The shell profile is used instead of a display manager.
Most apps are started either as systemd services, or by using xdg-autostart desktop files (uwsm allows this). Check and scripts.
- OS: Arch Linux
- Desktop: Hyprland
- Status bar: Waybar
- Terminal: Foot
- Launcher: Fuzzel
- Notifications: mako (xkb notification, backlight notification, wireplumber notification)
- File manager: nnn (wrapper script for calling from a keybind)
- lockscreen and idle daemon: Hyprlock + Hypridle
- Wallpaper: Hyprpaper (swww-like script)
- Nightlight: Hyprsunset (toggle script)
- Power menu: dmenu script
- Image viewer: swayimg
- Music player: mpd+mpc+slightly modified fzmp
- Fonts: Fira Code, Fira Code-nerd, Awesome, Noto fonts, Noto fonts-emoji
- Some flatpaks inside hyprland and waybar configs: com.github.wwmm.easyeffects org.mozilla.firefox org.pipewire.Helvum org.telegram.desktop pw.mmk.OpenFreebuds
- The rest: Check the lists of packages repos and aur, Hyprland default apps listed inside the config
- Theme: catppuccin-mocha
- Icon theme: Papirus Dark
- Firefox theme: catppuccin mocha lavender
- Dark reader and vimium themes: here
- Qbittorrent theme: here.
- Enable icons for nnn file manager: inside PKGBUILD add O_NERD=1 under build section.
build() {
cd nnn
make O_NERD=1