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Inviwo Website

This document gives a brief overview of how this website works. For detailed issues, consult the documentation of its template.

Single important files:

  • _config.yml: Set the website title, GitHub repo, local build settings.
    • Also set Markdown and linting libraries
    • Setup defaults for page layouts, sidebars, topnavs
    • Define sidebars
  • The landing page
  • _data/topnav.yml: Configure top navigation bar
  • _data/sidebars/*.yml: Configure side bars (documentation is all in manual)
  • css/customstyles.css: Add custom styles here

Adding new posts

In the pages/ directory there are subfolders for groups of pages. The hand-written documentation files and manuals go into pages/manual/, API docs in pages/cppapi/ and pages/pyapi/ respectively. To create a new post, add a new Markdown file to the appropriate folder. Each post has a header, similar to the following:

title: Create your own property
tags: [dev_guide, c++]
keywords: devguide, c++
summary: "Learn to create your own C++ properties for use in Inviwo"
sidebar: manual_sidebar
permalink: manual-devguide-build-property.html
folder: manual

From the listed fields the title, folder and permalink field are necessary. Adding a sidebar here determines which sidebar is shown next to the page (none is also an option).

Below this header you can write normal Markdown which is compilant with Kramdown. You can also embed HTML and Liquid HTML, which can be used in conjunction with includes (see _includes/) to get around most Markdown restrictions (like embedding videos)

In order to reach the newly created post somehow, you should add it to a sidebar by adding an entry to _data/sidebars/your_sidebar.yml consisting of title, output and url. Compare with existing sidebars to get the hierarchy right. Note that the sidebar header field in your new Markdown post only determines which sidebar is shown, not which this page is shown in.

Similarly you could add your new page to the top navigation bar by adding a new entry in _data/topnav.yml with title and url.

Adding images and media

You can put your images into the images/ folder, preferrably in a suitable sub folder and use them directly in your Markdown (address them using images/...).

Additional media like .pdfs can be put in media/ to be made downloadable through a link to /media/.../file.pdf


You can reference markdown headings using links like so: [link name](#heading). You can also get a direct link to a heading by clicking the link symbol next to your heading on your served website. Similarly you can link to all internal pages by referencing the permalink that you set in their headers. E.g [link name](manual-gettingstarted-ui.html). You can also combine this with the Markdown heading to scroll down to a heading automatically (e.g. [link name](manual-gettingstarted-ui.html#processors)).

Adding new templates

You can make arbitrarily complex HTML templates inside _includes/ and embed them into Markdown using Liquid's include tags: {% include template.html param="..." %}. You can access the given parameters in the template using {{include.param}}. Those parameters can contain Markdown, however they will have to be put inside a <div markdown="1"> {{include.markdown_content}} </div> for the Markdown to be evaluated.