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Releases: infinitered/redpotion


04 Apr 22:42
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This release updates searchable table screen support based on recent updates to ProMotion. This release also bumps the minimum ProMotion version requirement to 2.7.0.

Version 1.6.0

12 Jun 17:03
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  • Adds support for SDWebImage v4.x while maintaining backwards compatibility with v3.x.
  • Adds ability to pass a hash to remote_image= for specifying an on_load callback.


gem update redpotion

# In your projects:
bundle update redpotion

# It's best to nuke your projects, to update the pods correctly
rake newclear

Version 1.5.0

30 Nov 20:18
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Updating dependent gems bringing new features and bugfixes in each.

  • RMQ bumped to 1.7.0
  • ProMOtion bumped to 2.5.0


  • Updates in readme to show onboarding
  • Adds ability to call screen as a shortcut rather than rmq.screen
  • Add app.reset_image_cache!
  • Documentation updates
  • Use RMQ no tap interface internally


  • Updates create command to be backwards compatible
  • Fixes TableScreen.searchable
  • Properly style PM::CollectionScreen


gem update redpotion

# In your projects:
bundle update redpotion

# It's best to nuke your projects, to update the pods correctly
rake newclear

Version 1.4.0

14 Jul 19:55
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Updating dependent gems bringing new features and bugfixes in each.

  • RMQ bumped to 1.6.1
  • CDQ bumped to 1.0.6
  • motion_print bumped to 1.2.0

Updates in documentation:


  • Architecture Pointer detected rather than rescued #127
  • Generators updated to support Rails-like syntax #124
  • .blank? on objects
  • mp works in specs now!
  • aliased to cdq
  • Added to stylesheet, shorthand for all the device types, like four_point_seven_inch
  • Turn off animations when Voiceover is on, to improve accessibility

The amazing DataTableScreen

Docs here.

class SomeModelScreen < PM::DataTableScreen
  title "Cool Implementation of CoreData"
  model MyModel, scope: :sort_name

New custom events, woot!.

rmq(my_view).on(:custom_event) do |sender_q, event|
  puts "woot!"

# or select whatever you like

Adds rmq.tags interface

  • rmq.all.tags => hash of tag data
  • rmq.all.tags(:stuff) => all data in :stuff tag for selected views


  • RedAlert gem name fixed #125
  • Require_relative over unshift #117
  • Remove CDQ gets the spec helper too #116
  • Fixed bug with root?
  • Fixed bug with .all after selecting a view. It would select all views, not all views inside that view.
  • Fixed :long_press event from firing twice
  • Changed .closest not to return a view controller. I have no idea why I did that :-/.
  • Fixed bug where .closest would cause an exception if you queried for a non-existent symbol


gem update redpotion

# In your projects:
bundle update redpotion

# It's best to nuke your projects, to update the pods correctly
rake newclear

Version 1.3.0

29 May 05:11
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New versions of RMQ, ProMotion, RedAlert, and motion-print

  • Added :full, :half, :quarter to w, h, l, t, r, b, width, height, left, top, right, bottom
  • Added find! (to match BluePotion):
    • find!(my_view) == find(my_view).get
    • find(my_view)find(:some_child).get == find(my_view)find!(:some_child)
  • Using SBWebImage instead of JMImageCache for remote_image
  • Added add_child_screen and remove_child_screen methods to PM::Screen
  • Adds persisting tab order when changed by the user for tab bars over 5 screens
  • Updated icon to new icon
  • UITextViewStyler supports UITextInputTraits
  • A few disabled goodies for the UIButton styler
  • Adds :searchable to the whitelisted properties a cell can have so that a warning is not generated.

Bug fixes

  • Changed pulling template from git to use HTTP rather than SSH, so you don't have to have your SSH key to do a rmq create foo
  • Fixes to UITableViewController


gem update redpotion

# In your projects:
bundle update redpotion

# It's best to nuke your projects, to update the pods correctly
rake newclear

Version 1.2.0

09 May 23:57
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New features

  • Add app.info_plist hash accessor
  • Added formatter_from_string, which uses a full format string rather than a format template
  • New version of RMQ: v1.4.0
  • New version of ProMotion: v2.3.1
  • New version of Newclear: v1.1.0
  • Misc new gems such as cocoapods
  • Tweaks to potion create

Bug fixes

  • Fixed problem where on_load was called multiple times
  • Fixed problem where ProMotion table cells were not calling, so sometimes the controller and stylesheet weren't correct
  • Fixed problem when building, creating, or appending a view, its controller was set wrong. Causing the wrong stylesheet to be used. This could happen in situations like using child controllers
  • live:
    • Make sure that all files in all subfolders of the stylesheets are included
    • Added UITableViewController & PM::TableScreen-friendly reloading
  • Fixed rmq.debug.assert

Version 1.1.5

29 Apr 22:04
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New features

  • Added table_screen_cell template


  • Updated to latest RMQ, which fixed some bugs, see here.
  • Fixed app in screen, it wasn't returning the RMQ app object as it should have been. So things like app.alert, etc was not working if called from a screen
gem update redpotion

Version 1.1.3

24 Apr 04:54
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Bugs fixed

  • find was changed in views to behave different from rmq in views. In this version that was reversed, find should always act exactly like rmq. Now it does again.

New features

  • collection_view_screen
  • updated docs

Version 1.1.2

20 Apr 04:42
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Bug fixes and new RMQ.

Version 1.1.1

15 Apr 04:40
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Updated RMQ which had a few bugs regarding the new Live stylesheet feature.