This is a SOAP web service that stores files into a WebDAV repository.
The service is specifically designed for saving result files and logs of Taverna workflows created in IMPACT. It accepts URLs to files and processing logs generated by IMPACT tools. Both have to be formatted in a special way (containing information like for example tool name). The service creates folders on the WebDAV server and saves the files referenced by the URLs. Furthermore, a report file (Excel) is created, which contains statistical information about the workflow, the used tools, and the results.
Since this is a Maven project, the simplest way to build the service is by running
mvn package
The resulting .war file must be deployed manually into a Java Web Container.
Here are the properties for your WebDAV server on which the data will be stored:
- credentials for basic authentication
- file types that should be stored
- URL to the Excel report template that will be filled with statistical data
- coordinates for cells into which specific data will be written
- URL to a service that retrieves the current timestamp
JavaDocs can be generated with
mvn site
mvn site:run
(inside of an embedded Jetty)