Two day Hackathon challenge to create a real-time chat application using Redis. 💥
If you face issues with WebSockets on the above URL, then please try to refresh the Heroku server here
- Real-time chat with all the connected users 🌈
- NodeJS server with Redis and Socket IO integration 🛃
- Server deployment on Heroku 🔥
- Frontend deployment on Vercel 🔥
- Automatic deployment on both platforms 🏃
- Create custom channel feature.
- Search in chat feature.
- Participant count feature.
You need to have Docker and NodeJS installed in your machine.
$ git clone
$ cd <Project-Path>
$ npm i && cd client && npm i
$ sudo docker-compose up -d
$ cd data_loader
$ npm install
$ npm start
Run the following command in the root directory
$ npm start
$ cd client
$ npm start