- elixir microservice base 🐜⚡
- microservice skeleton from scratch aka "You dont need Phoenix"
for lintingdialyxir
static analysis- strong
http server
basis using plug + cowboy - fast
encode/decode using poison http client
using httpoisonmetrics
using prometheus_exhealthchecks + config
setup using mix tools- (json)
access log
provided as Plug - ELK compliant
with simple API - registry (in-memory cache) with simple API
redis client
using redix (pub-sub)JIT Config
via weaveRDBMS ORM
via ecto and postgrex- MIT License
- (asciify) banner
- uuid v4 generation
- cassandra client to GenServer
- httppoison wrapper similar to request.js
- ecto migrations
- example for tests
- custom dockerfile base on alpine (no deps)
- Erlang/OTP >= 19.3
- Elixir >= 1.4.1
- install Erlang
- install Elixir
- install Mix
- http://elixir-lang.org/install.html#unix-and-unix-like
git clone [email protected]:krystianity/elixir-ms.git
- run
mix deps.get
- start via
mix start
- (if you want to run this as is, you need a local postgres (see Other below) and a redis, otherwise you have to make adjustments to lib/demo.ex and mix.exs)
build + run via docker-compose up --build
run mix test
- (requires a local postgres, with a user named "postgres" and a password "postgres" checkout config/config.exs to change these credentials
mix ecto.create
mix ecto.migrate
mix ecto.gen.migration add_test_table -r ExTest.Repos.Test
mix ecto.rollback
docker run -it --rm --link postgres:postgres postgres:9.3 psql -h postgres -U postgres ex_test