-Wilson Vera Villamizar 2
czang wmartinezr
- Class Date: Mayo 08 de 2024
- Facilitator: will_i_am
- Prueba de cambio - Credential manager
- Prueba de segundo cambio - sign out otro usuario
- Prueba otro cambio logeo wmr
- Prueba otro cambio OK!!
- prueba comitters
- este es mas nuevo
- prueba fe =======
- cambio cz =======
- Author: Hugo Leonardo Barragán Bohórquez main
- Class Date: THIS-DATE
- Facilitator: nhurtadop73
- Cambio readme para otro caso czang czang =======
- Facilitator: driquep version 3 cambio desde github
- Cambio readme para otro caso h
- Facilitator: nhurtadop
- Cambio readme para otro caso Armand main
More helpful links including videos, cheat sheets, and visualization tools
- Review videos
- GitSchool - Visualizing Git
- Visualizing Git Concepts with D3
- Git Viz
- Git Graph Extension for VS Code
- LearnGitBranching
After you have completed this course, you are probably wondering where to go from here:
- GitHub Learning Lab: self-paced courses with instant bot-assisted feedback.
- Microsoft Learn for GitHub
- Join the open source community