Pre-release13.2 (Download)
- Made explosion effects always apply
Dev note: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! This update fixes a minor oversight in the installation process regarding explosion effects not applying to unselected weapons.
- Added "Duck Trail (Invisible)" explosion effect
- Removed explosion effect "Rescue Ranger" from explosion effect dropdown
- Re-ordered explosion effects to be sorted in alphabetical order
- Made explosion effect drop-down combo box wider
Dev note: Previous testing with "Rescue Ranger" explosion effect was left in the UI part of things and generated unexpected errors, this has now been replaced with "Duck Trail (Invisible)" explosion effect. Thank you Mong for notifying me!
- Config renamed to have an underscore (
) before the config nameVenomCrosshairsConfig
- Reading config now copies missing crosshairs
- Made Venom Crosshairs scan for script files outside of
-files to warn users about potential interefence - Moved exception messages to console to cause less confusion for the general user
- Cleanup of logging when downloading new/missing crosshairs
- Changed some messages (log/info/warning/exceptions)
- Upgraded console to support advanced colors
- General code cleanup
Dev note: The config rename should place the config at the "top" of the custom files/directory, this will (in some cases) prevent other script files from overwriting changes that your VenomCrosshairsConfig does to crosshairs/explosions. Some other common user errors should be fixed with this update, namely an issue when renaming old config to work with Venom Crosshairs then reading the config.