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Releases: havok89/Hoosk


09 May 20:53
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Added /api/json route which gives all pages/posts and navigation in JSON format.
To allow the CMS to be used headless

v1.7.1 - upgrade included Codeigniter version

01 May 13:43
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  • upgrade codeigniter to 3.1.11 to improve compatibility

V1.7.2 - XSS and CSFR fixes

01 May 14:00
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  • Fix XSS issues
  • Fix CSFR issues

Hoosk V1.7.0 (Lycaon)

25 Apr 21:23
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  • Added in ability to search posts and pages in the admin dashboard (#29)
  • Fixed styling of pagination in the admin dashboard (#29)
  • Added JSON as a feed option and is available at (#19)

There is no database changes, just keep your theme folder if you have made changes to it and overwrite the theme/admin and hoosk/hoosk0 folders

Hoosk V1.6.1 (Lycaon)

27 Mar 20:21
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  • Removed extra slash from language in settings page (#22)
  • Added fix for htaccess file (#23)
  • Added a new Maintenance Mode feature *see below for details
  • Added favicon upload to settings page
  • Updated logo alt tag to be the site name
  • Added field for additional JavaScript, such as Google analytics or other tracking code to be added to each page
  • Fixed bug uploading logo

Database has been updated, to add the new fields to yours please use the following SQL:

ALTER TABLE `hoosk_settings` ADD `siteFavicon` TEXT NULL ,
ADD `siteMaintenance` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
ADD `siteMaintenanceHeading` TEXT NULL ,
ADD `siteMaintenanceMeta` TEXT NULL ,
ADD `siteMaintenanceContent` TEXT NULL ,
ADD `siteAdditionalJS` TEXT NULL ;

Maintenance Mode
You can now turn the site offline to visitors by enabling the maintenance mode in the settings page, you can set the heading, meta and content for the maintenance mode page.

When enabled any users visiting the site will be presented with the message you have added, you can still view the website by logging in to the admin dashboard first.

The main dashboard will display a message letting you know when maintenance mode is on just incase you forget that it is still on.

Try it out on the demo site

Hoosk V1.5.7 (Lycaon)

21 Mar 21:52
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  • Fixed issue with pagination on categories (#27)

Hoosk V1.5.6 (Lycaon)

08 Mar 23:05
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  • Fixed issue with RSS feed causing white screen when logging in. (#23)
  • Added a flag to the index.php which when set to FALSE will disable the dashboard RSS feed display if required

Hoosk V1.5.5 (Lycaon)

06 Mar 22:23
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  • Added ability to mark posts as published (#18)
  • Fixed error page bugs (pageTemplate/postID)
  • Added visible published flags to Posts and Pages sections (#18)
  • Updated Install script to mysqli (#23)
  • Install script will now delete /install/hoosk.sql and /install/index.php upon completion to prevent DB being overwritten
  • Updated Database Structure - all tables now include unique columns, new published field in posts table (#24)
  • Updated Install SQL file to include new structure/fields and added drop table lines to prevent errors during install
  • Fixed links throughout admin area to allow installing in a subdirectory (#21)
  • Default login details changed to demo/demo

If you wish to upgrade your version to the latest then you will need to update your database to include the new field, do so by using the following SQL:

ALTER TABLE `hoosk_post` ADD `published` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `categoryID` ;

Hoosk V1.5.0 (Lycaon)

27 Dec 17:17
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  • Added an ajax session check which will prompt if session has expired
    and you need to log in again.
  • Ajax session check before saving page allowing you to log in again
    then save without losing changes.
  • Added RSS and Atom feeds.
  • Added Hoosk news feed into the dashboard.

check out the demo

The URL for the RSS or ATOM feeds are or /feed/atom

Hoosk V1.4.0 (Lycaon)

06 Dec 11:41
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  • Added a file manager for the button, you can now upload PDF or other files and link to it from a button.

See issue #15 for more info