LEDOS is a software we are working on for Arduino and ESP8266 that can control an LED strip via multiple interfaces.
LEDOS Ambilight is a Qt program that communicates with the LEDOS via USB RS232 (Serial) the avarage color on your screen. Thus you can make a really cool ambilight like effect.
LEDOS Ambilight is written in C++ and therefore is much much faster than any alternative written in Processing. In fact LEDOS Ambilight can send colors at 50Hz
without a problem and the LEDOS working on an Arduino Mega can easily cope with that either.
Well for fucks sake.... There is a GUI! And it only has 2 buttons and a Dropdown menu so you should be able to figure it out.
LEDOSAmbilight and all of the associated documentation are distributed under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE
for details.