footer: Hacksmiths AGM 2016-2017 slidenumbers: true
- Introductions and pardons
- 2016-2017 overview with financials
- Plan for 2017-2018
- Questions from members
- Motions
- Hustings
^ Bevis, Kevin, Will N, Will M, Alice, Lina, Charlie, Yuvesh, Terry, Antoni, Will B, Aaron, Will P, Bashar, Ben, Nathan, Nathaniel, Anni, Harley, Wilson, Matthew Clark
- 62 full members - 1 in 4 is non-male
- 25 first-party events and 6 trips to events
- Over £10,000 raised in membership, sponsorship and grants
- Coverage in New Scientist, and in an upcoming BBC documentary on London-based inventors
- A rebrand, with new banners, stickers and websites
- 52 hackers, 4 sponsors
- 1/2 of Sex Tech Hack applicants were non-men
- 14 projects built
- 115 hackers from 28 institutions and 4 coutries
- 30% of Anvil Hack III attendees were non-men
- 8 sponsors & 8 in-kind supporters
- 24 projects built
- Run by Nathaniel, Anni, Harley and Wilson. Supported by Kevin, Lina and Yuvesh
- 2 inter-university tech mixers, one hoted at Goldsmiths
- 8 workshops, 5 socials, 3 show & tells
- Local Hack Day in December
- Global Game Jam had over 50 game creators, had lots of non-computing students attend
- £310 in membership, with a £75 grant
- £500 from the Department of Computing
- £1800 in Sex Tech Hack sponsorship, with £569 left over
- £500 from the Annual Fund for Global Game Jam
- £7100 in Anvil Hack III sponsorship, with £2200 left over
- Total rolling over is approx £3,250
Term 1
- HEBOCON Ldn, DoC Hack, Local Hack Day, Sex Tech Hack II
Term 2
- Global Game Jam 2018, Anvil Hack IV
- Code & Craft, ad-hoc workshops/talks, Non Binary in Tech
- Raise £10,000 for Sex Tech Hack II
- Raise £10,000 for Anvil Hack IV
- Have overall surplus of £10,000 at the end of 2017-2018 year
- Hit 50% non-men at a "general audience" event
- Take on 4 more year 0/1 students and train them