deposit on ropsten, rinkeby, or kovan and get a withdraw on goerli :) our goerli bridge contract is at 0xa8485dc30d88296010a5b06f28bfbb7e22071023
you will need nodejs and npm
git clone
cd bridge-deposit
npm i
now, open index.js in your favourite text editor. specify the network you like on line 12. paste your private key containing ether on this network into "yourprivatekey" on line 39. lines 44-46 are the address of the contracts on each of the testnets. uncomment out the one you'd like.
change the value of wei on line 54 to your preferred amount. 10 ** 18 = 1 ether
now, simply node deposit.js
and you should see the tx being sent.
the bridge is currently running on a server, it will pick up on your deposit, and will send you goeth from the goerli bridge contract. check it out at