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The GAP package CaratInterface provides GAP interface routines to some of the stand-alone programs in the package CARAT, developed by J. Opgenorth, W. Plesken, and T. Schulz at Lehrstuhl B für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen. CARAT is a package for the computation with crystallographic groups. It is implemented in C, and thus needs to be compiled. It currently runs on Unix systems and in Unix-like environments.

CARAT is to a large extent complementary to the GAP package Cryst. In particular, it provides routines for the computation of normalizers and conjugators of finite unimodular groups in GL(n,Z), and routines for the computation of Bravais groups, which are all missing in Cryst. Furthermore, it provides also a catalogue of Bravais groups up to dimension 6. Cryst automatically loads CaratInterface when it is available, and makes use of its functions where necessary. The CaratInterface package together with CARAT thereby extends the functionality of the package Cryst considerably.

The CaratInterface routines have been written by

Franz Gähler
Fakultät für Mathematik 
Universität Bielefeld 
D-33501 Bielefeld

[email protected]

For bug reports, suggestions and other comments please use the issue tracker on the GitHub page of the package:

Please note that CARAT itself is not part of this package, even though a copy is included in the distribution. All rights and responsibilities regarding CARAT remain with its authors. CARAT can be obtained at the GitHub repository

For bug reports, suggestions and comments regarding CARAT, please use the issue tracker on GitHub: