(CC) 2021-2022 by Andreas Frisch [email protected]
is an ESP32-based all-in-one solution for terrarium automation.
- 3 solid state relays with zero-cross switching
- individual load 1A each
- for HeatBed (/Fogger), HeatLamp and Pump
- opto-coupler zero cross detection
- random cross solid state relay
- phase controller modulator
- PWM driver
- for 12V RGB LED stripes
- for an ATX type PC fan
- PWM and tachometer pins
- power cut-off circuitry for completely stopping all types of fans
- 2 inputs for DS18B20 bus temperature sensors
- BME280 Thermo/Hygro/Baro sensor module (ceiling)
- SHT-3xD Thermo/Hygro sensor (ground)
- HX711-based load cell amplifier/ADC
- for weighing / occupancy detection
- USB-to-serial programming port
- ESP32 wifi client
- for future extensions like a display or console
- simple YAML configuration for different sensor / actor modules
- Through Home Assistant web interface:
- data logging and visualization of all environmental readings
- manually control all actors, modify set points of controllers
- use Nouvelle-Calédonie (Crested Gecko's natural habitat) real weather records
- use temperature, humidity, rain and sky cover values for creating a realistic varied simulation of the habitants' indigenous environment
- simulated sunrise, sunset, lightening storm
- Stand-alone device based on ESP32
- remote controls the main unit through home assistant via WiFi
- 240x240 IPS Display
- Rotary encoder + navigation button
- MH-Z19 CO2 Sensor
- 6x WS2812 addressable RGB LEDs
- Piezo Buzzer for audio alerts
- USB-C powered
- custom esphome components:
- controls for thermostat, hygrostat, rain, fogger
- HSV color picker for scenic light
- schematic & PCB layout
- 3d case
- CO2 sensor
- WS2812 RGB LEDs
- buzzer
- software for ST7789 display
- software for rotary encoder
- VCNL4040 support
- photos / documentation
- 3d-printed cases for BME280 sensor and console
- rainfall/humidity automation
- ventilation automation
- moonlight simulation
- thunderstorm simulation
- photos / documentation
Date | Version | Milestone |
2021-02-21 | v1.0 | Commission of 1st prototype PCB with aisler.net |
2021-03-12 | v1.1 | First time programming of bodged prototype PCB |
2021-04-10 | Fixed hardware issues with LeoDJ & Patagona | |
2021-04-15 | v1.2 | Commission of 2nd revision PCB with aisler.net |
2021-05-03 | v1.2 | Completed PCB assembly, all modules working |
2021-05-16 | v1.2 | Assembling of case and first deployment of unit |
2022-01-02 | Added fogger to terrarium | |
2022-01-09 | Base weather simulation on real historic records | |
2022-01-28 | v1.0 | Order Console PCB at aisler.net & parts at LCSC |
2022-02-18 | Assembled Console PCB | |
2022-03-07 | v2.0 | New Hardware Revision of Console PCB |