My name is Frank and I'm a developer from Denmark. "Hejsa" means Hi in Danish.
I have coded since I was 10 years old when I got my first computer (Commodore 64). In the beginning I strugled with the concept of nesting and scopes. These days I'm fascinated by serverless backend architectures, Flutter, Next.js and GraphQL.
For me, it is extremely important to ensure the best developer experience for everyone, so it is both fun to work with the code and also make it easier to produce better results in less time. I base it both on what I have experienced so far myself and also draw inspiration from others:
- Ensuring easy-to-use project setups. It should be as easy as possible to get a local development environment up and running
- Automated rule-checking over manual checklists (f.ex. ESLint and SonarQube)
- Use good practices for having a good code structure. This, to me, always means ensuring code is divided into small files and that the files are grouped together in a logical and easy to navigate fashion.
- Regarding the code itself, I try to use well-established best practices, unless there is a specific reason not to. Here I normally fall back to OOP, Design Patterns, Clean Code and others.