Provide manageable Let's Encrypt Certificate for Rails.
Puts this in your Gemfile:
gem 'rails-letsencrypt'
Run install migrations
rails generate lets_encrypt:install
rake db:migrate
Setup private key for Let's Encrypt API
rails generate lets_encrypt:register
Add acme-challenge
mounts in config/routes.rb
mount LetsEncrypt::Engine => '/.well-known'
Add a file to config/initializers/letsencrypt.rb
and put below config you need.
LetsEncrypt.config do |config|
# Using Let's Encrypt staging server or not
# Default only `Rails.env.production? == true` will use Let's Encrypt production server.
config.use_staging = true
# Set the private key path
# Default is locate at config/letsencrypt.key
config.private_key_path = Rails.root.join('config', 'letsencrypt.key')
# Use environment variable to set private key
# If enable, the API Client will use `LETSENCRYPT_PRIVATE_KEY` as private key
# Default is false
config.use_env_key = false
# Should sync certificate into redis
# When using ngx_mruby to dynamic load certificate, this will be helpful
# Default is false
config.save_to_redis = false
# The redis server url
# Default is nil
config.redis_url = 'redis://localhost:6379/1'
The SSL certificate setup depends on the web server, this gem can work with ngx_mruby
or kong
Add a new domain into the database.
cert = LetsEncrypt::Certificate.create(domain: '')
cert.get # alias `verify && issue`
Makes a request to Let's Encrypt and verify domain
cert = LetsEncrypt::Certificate.find_by(domain: '')
Ask Let's Encrypt to issue a new certificate.
cert = LetsEncrypt::Certificate.find_by(domain: '')
cert = LetsEncrypt::Certificate.find_by(domain: '')
Check a certificate is verified and issued.
cert = LetsEncrypt::Certificate.find_by(domain: '') # => true
Check a certificate is expired.
cert = LetsEncrypt::Certificate.find_by(domain: '')
cert.expired? # => false
To renew a certificate, you can run renew
task to renew coming expires certificates.
rake letsencrypt:renew
If you are using Sidekiq or others, you can enqueue renew task daily.
The setup is following this Article
Add config/initializers/letsencrypt.rb
to add config to sync certificate.
LetsEncrypt.config do |config|
config.redis_url = 'redis://localhost:6379/1'
config.save_to_redis = true
Connect Redis
when Nginx worker start
http {
# ...
mruby_init_worker_code '
userdata =
userdata.redis = "", 6379
# If your redis database is not 0, please select a correct one 1
Setup SSL using mruby
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name _;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
ssl_certificate certs/dummy.crt;
ssl_certificate_key certs/dummy.key;
mruby_ssl_handshake_handler_code '
ssl =
domain = ssl.servername
redis =
unless redis["#{domain}.crt"].nil? and redis["#{domain}.key"].nil?
ssl.certificate_data = redis["#{domain}.crt"]
ssl.certificate_key_data = redis["#{domain}.key"]
Coming soon.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.