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Play1 JPA Model for Play2

Java developer who familiar with JPA Model (Play1) will like PlayJpa very much. Please refer Play! for more detail about the Model. Unfortunately Explicit Save is not implemented yet.



addSbtPlugin("com.fliptoo" % "sbt-playjpa" % "1.0.3")


"com.fliptoo" % "playjpa" % "1.0.3"


play.modules.enabled += "com.fliptoo.playjpa.Module"


Whenever declare a method with single parameter, SBT will throw compilation error during PlayReload. At this moment i can't find any solution, so i have to declare Model.findById(Object id, Object... ignored) instead of Model.findById(Object id)

Quick Start

Extend your JPA entity with the Model class

public class User extends Model {

    public Long id;

    public String name;


Do whatever as you did as Play1

public class Application extends Controller {

    public Result index() {
        User user = User.find("byName", "fliptoo").first();
        return ok(index.render("I am " +;


Extra Enhancer

Simply create a class with suffix _Enhancer and extend com.fliptoo.playjpa.Enhancer to include extra enhancer for your custom Model.

public class CustomModel extends Model {

    public static void searchAll() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Please annotate your JPA model with @javax.persistence.Entity annotation.");

public class Custom_Enhancer extends Enhancer {

    public void enhance(CtClass cc, String Entity, String Model, String JPAQuery, String JPQL) {
        makeMethod("public static void searchAll() {\"Search All...\"); }", cc);