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Mango chat API

This is a simple chat API that allows you to send and receive messages from a chat room. It is built using FastAPI, PostgreSQL and SocketIO.

How to run

  1. Clone the repository
    1.1 If you want to modify credentials, change them in .env file
  2. Launch docker-compose up --build -d
  3. Go to http://localhost:5000/docs to see the API documentation
  4. For using socketIO, go to http://localhost:5000/ws/
    4.1 If you using postman, add new SocketIO request and set the handshake path from / to /ws/
  5. Create user and get access token from /auth/refresh endpoint. You must paste photo as base64 string, so you can use /user/photo_to_base64 endpoint to convert your photo to base64 string.
    be careful with pasing base64 string, it must be with one double quote
    also don't upload big files, you got too big string.
    5.1 To access you photo you can use /static/{photo}/{size}.jpeg for original or /static/{photo}/{size}.webp for other sizes, where {photo} is your photo name and {size} is one of the following: original, 400x400, 100x100, 50x50
  6. To access socketIO you should add auth header with access token
  7. For creating chat send create_chat event with json:
    "chat": {
        "name": "Paste your chat name here",
        "is_group": false, // true if you want to create group chat
        "members_array": [1,2] // array of user ids

7.1 To receive chat id subscribe to chat_created event
8. To send message send send_message event with json:

        "chat_id": 3,
        "content": "How are you?!",
        "message_type": "text"

8.1 Available message types: text, html, json, xml, binary, image, pdf, csv, excel, word, zip, gzip, tar, audio, video, yaml, javascript, css, svg, markdown, protobuf, avro, parquet, orc
8.2 To receive messages subscribe to new_message event
9. To like message send toggle_like_message event with json:

        "id": 18

9.1 To receive liked message subscribe to message_liked event
10. To pin chat send toggle_chat_pin event with json:

        "id": 3

10.1 To receive pinned chat subscribe to chat_pinned event
10.2 To receive unpinned chat subscribe to chat_unpinned event

How to run tests

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Launch docker-compose up --build -d
  3. Launch docker exec mango_chat_web_1 /bin/bash -c "python -m pytest tests/"

Couple words about architecture and structure

This API is built using FastAPI, PostgreSQL and SocketIO.

  • FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python 3.6+ based on standard Python type hints.
  • PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system.
  • SocketIO is a library that enables real-time, bidirectional and event-based communication between the browser and the server.

Server is separated into 10 parts:

  • Routers - contains all routers and endpoints, handling requests and responses, http errors, etc.
  • Services - contains logic for working with database.
  • Schemas - contains all schemas for validation.
  • Models - contains all models for database.
  • Exceptions - contains all custom exceptions.
  • Repositories - contains all repositories for working with database.
  • Jwt - contains all logic for working with JWT.
  • Sockets - contains all logic for working with socketIO.
  • Tests - contains all tests for API.
  • Database - contains alembic configuration and migrations.

How does logging work

This API uses loguru for logging. It is a library which aims to bring enjoyable logging in Python. It's simple, efficient, extensible, and compatible with the standard library. Logs are stored in assets/logs folder.


I hope you will enjoy using this API. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

Telegram: @foxyess2020 Gmail: [email protected]