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Award Search Visualizations

Mike Bray edited this page Aug 30, 2017 · 8 revisions

Award Search Visualizations (Search Page v2)

The Search page contains four main visualizations:

The queries behind each of these visualizations search purely for Award-level data and use the new SearchAwardsOperation to generate the filters object.

Spending Over Time


The Spending Over Time graph shows all award spending, broken down by the group property, which can be "fiscal_year", "quarter", or "month".

	"group": "fiscal_year",
	"filters": {}

This call expects the reporting period value (fiscal year, quarter, or month) in the response, alongside the aggregate value.

Spending by Category


Spending by Category is a series of visualizations that break down spending by five categories: Awarding Agency, Funding Agency, Recipient, CFDA Programs, and Industry Codes. This endpoint expects two unique parameters per usage – category and scope. While the category parameter is self-explanatory, the scope parameter is unique per visualiztaion.

Awarding Agency

This visualization returns only award spending, grouped by Awarding Agency, and further broken down by the scope, which can be "agency", "subagency", or, in the future, "offices".

    "category": "awarding_agency",
    "scope": "agency"
    "filters": {},
    "limit": 5,
    "page": 1

This call expects an agency name and abbreviation in the response, alongside the aggregate value.

Funding Agency

This visualization returns only award spending, grouped by Funding Agency, and further broken down by the scope, which can be "agency", "subagency", or, (future) "offices".

    "category": "funding_agency",
    "scope": "agency"
    "filters": {},
    "limit": 5,
    "page": 1

This call expects an agency name and abbreviation in the response, alongside the aggregate value.


This visualization returns only award spending, grouped by Recipient, and further broken down by (future) "parent_duns", "duns", or (future) "recipient_type".

    "category": "recipient",
    "scope": "duns",
    "filters": {}
    "limit": 5,
    "page": 1

This call expects a recipient name and legal entity ID in the response, alongside the aggregate value.

CFDA Programs

This visualization returns only award spending, grouped by CFDA Programs. There is no scope for this visualization.

    "category": "cfda_programs",
    "filters": {},
    "limit": 5,
    "page": 1

This call expects a program title and number in the response, alongside the aggregate value.

Industry Codes

This visualization returns only award spending, grouped by Industry Code, and further broken down by "psc" or "naics".

    "category": "industry_codes",
    "scope": "psc",
    "filters": {}
    "limit": 5,
    "page": 1

This call expects a PSC code or NAICS code and NAICS description in the response, alongside the aggregate value.

Spending by Geography


This visualization populates the map by returning award spending data, grouped by state code. This query only returns award data because place of performance and recipient location are award filters, which can only be applied to awards.

    "scope": "place_of_performance",
    "filters": {}
    "limit": 500,

This call expects a state code in the response, alongside the aggregate value.

Spending by Award


This visualization populates the Awards table. Each tab in the Awards table (Contracts, Grants, Direct Payments, Loans, and Other) represents a set of Award Types. Any selected Award Type filter will get overriden by the active tab in the table. As such, the request will always contain a group of award_type_codes. The fields parameter will be populated with all user-selected columns in the table, the selection of which differs between each of the Awards groups.

    "fields": ["id","piid","fain","uri","recipient__recipient_name"],
    "filters": {
        "award_type_codes": ["A", "B", "C", "D"]
    "limit": 60,
    "page": 1

Spending by Award Tab Counts


This populates the tab counts on the headers of the Awards table. Each tab in the Awards table (Contracts, Grants, Direct Payments, Loans, and Other) represents a set of Award Types.

    "filters": {}

This call expects an award type in the response (contracts, grants, direct_payments, loans, or other), alongside the aggregate value.