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Wil Collins edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 8 revisions

The data from source systems are transactions, not awards. It is possible to use transactions to create the award object by adhereing to nuanced logic when combining transactions (which transactions to combine, what values to use from different records, etc.) and how they are combined.

Glossary Definition

Types of Awards

USAspending identifies two broad categories of awards:

  • Contracts (aka Procurement), which come from FPDS
  • Assistance, which comes from FABS

Award Fields in USAspending

USAspending persists and updates award records as transactions enter the system. Many of the data associated with an award are simply pulled from the latest transaction under the award. This is true for both procurement and assistance. A number of fields are derived. Below is a table describing the values stored in awards which makeup the derived fields stored. For completeness all table rows are included below even if there is no domain importance and fields which have no known purpose.

Field Name Description Type Source
id Primary Key Postgres field Postgres
generated_unique_award_id A string which contains the unique fields of the award Broker-derived Broker
is_fpds True if IDV or Procurement Award Info USAspending ETL
transaction_unique_id Unique string of the transaction unique fields Broker-derived Broker
data_source "USA" or "DBR" Info USAspending ETL
type The latest transaction's award type Source Broker
type_description The latest transaction's award type description Source Broker
piid The earliest transaction's piid (procurement) Source Broker
parent_award_piid The earliest transaction's parent piid (procurement) Source Broker
fain The earliest transaction's fain (assistance) Source Broker
uri The earliest transaction's fain (assistance) Source Broker
total_obligation Sum of federal_action_obligation from all underlying transactions Derived USAspending
base_and_all_options_value Sum of base_and_all_options_value from all underlying procurement transactions Derived USAspending
total_subsidy_cost Sum of original_loan_subsidy_cost from all underlying assistance transactions Derived USAspending
date_signed Earliest transaction's action_date Source USAspending ETL
description Earliest transaction's description Source USAspending ETL
period_of_performance_start_date Earliest transaction's period_of_performance_start_date Derived USAspending ETL
period_of_performance_current_end_date Latest transaction's period_of_performance_current_end_date Derived USAspending ETL
last_modified_date Latest transaction's last_modified_date Source USAspending ETL
certified_date Latest transaction's action_date Source USAspending ETL
create_date Datetime field when the record was created in the awards table Info Django ORM
update_date Datetime field when the record last modified in the awards table Info Django ORM
total_subaward_amount Sum of amount of all Sub-Awards listing this award as its Prime Derived USAspending ETL
subaward_count Count of all Sub-Awards listing this award as its Prime Derived USAspending ETL
awarding_agency_id FK to the agency table, copied from latest transaction Postgres field USAspending ETL
funding_agency_id FK to the agency table, copied from latest transaction Postgres field USAspending ETL
earliest_transaction_id FK to the transaction_normalized table, copied from earliest transaction. An explanation for the calculation of this field can be found here. Postgres field USAspending ETL
latest_transaction_id FK to the transaction_normalized table, copied from latest transaction. An explanation for the calculation of this field can be found here. Postgres field USAspending ETL
place_of_performance_id FK to the references_location table, copied from latest transaction Postgres field USAspending ETL
recipient_id FK to the legal_entity table, copied from latest transaction Postgres field USAspending ETL
category A group containing several different award types Derived USAspending ETL
fiscal_year The FY of the latest transaction's action_date Derived Legacy, not updating in current ETL!
total_loan_value Sum of face_value_loan_guarantee from all underlying transactions Derived USAspending
total_funding_amount Sum of total_funding_amount from all underlying assistance transactions Derived USAspending
non_federal_funding_amount Sum of non_federal_funding_amount from all underlying assistance transactions Derived USAspending
base_exercised_options_val Sum of base_exercised_options_val from all underlying transactions Derived USAspending
fpds_agency_id Latest transactions' agency_id (Procurement) Source Broker
fpds_parent_agency_id Latest transactions' referenced_idv_agency_iden (Procurement) Source Broker
officer_1_amount Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_1_name Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_2_amount Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_2_name Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_3_amount Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_3_name Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_4_amount Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_4_name Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_5_amount Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending
officer_5_name Executive Compensation data from the "latest transaction with populated EC values" Derived USAspending