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valoeghese edited this page Oct 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the TooManyEvents wiki!


Step 1: build.gradle

In your repositories block, make sure you have jitpack:

maven { url '' }

Then in your dependencies put:

modImplementation "com.github.fabric-community:TooManyEvents:${project.tme_version}"
include "com.github.fabric-community:TooManyEvents:${project.tme_version}"

The second line is technically optional, but recommended, as it means players will not need to download the TooManyEvents jar themselves when they use your mod.

Step 2:

In your, add the line:


(replace 1.2.0 with whatever the latest TooManyEvents release for your minecraft version is)

Now you should have TooManyEvents set up and ready to go! Just run your IDE-specific gradle setup!

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