Hey there! I’m Karthik KK, a software test consultant based in Auckland, New Zealand. I’m a big fan of writing clean and efficient test code, and I absolutely love the exciting and challenging world of testing tech. When I’m not testing, you can find me contributing to technical articles on my blog. I’ve even published over 33 courses on Udemy and almost 1000+ YouTube videos!
📚🚀 Community Contribution & Courses
- Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/user/karthik-kk/
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/executeautomation
- Medium: http://medium.com/executeautomation
⚡ Tech Stacks
- Testing Tools: Playwright, Selenium, Cypress, RestSharp, RestAssured, Pact.NET, Specflow, Cucumber and more...
- Languages: JavaScript (Node.js), TypeScript, C#, Java, Dart
- Databases: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL
- DevOps: Docker, Jenkins, AWS, Azure
- Frontend: React, Angular, Vue.js
- Others: ASP.NET MVC, GraphQL, Entity Framework, Outbox pattern, BDD, Page Object Model, FluentAssertion and more...
🏆 GitHub Stats
⚡️ Top Languages
🌱 Currently diving deeper into
- Machine Learning 🦾
- Linux 🐧
- Security Testing 🔐
- Updating my Udemy courses 🤯
💬 Ask me about
Feel free to ask me anything related to testing and testing trends. If I don’t know the answer, I’ll learn something new too!
📫 Connect with me