Webcompare is a tool to periodically detect and alert on changes to website content, both visually as well as source changes.
Example result: https://imgur.com/klY2AKy
The tool is in early development stages but is simple to use.
Below are the main python libraries and imports currently used for the project. See webcompare.py for full list.
- Selenium
- BeautifulSoup4
- requests
- configparser
- chromedriver
The script is super simple to setup. Running for the first time, or without a config file present will prompt you to set up one or more hosts to scan, and the time interval between each scan.
An interactive prompt can be used to add hosts after-initial setup by using either of the below flags
webcompare.py -a
webcompare.py —-addtargets
The current list of hosts can also be printed with either of the following
webcompare.py -l
webcompare.py —-listtargets
Keep in mind host URL’s are validated and thus need to be supplied in the full correct format, including the http:// or https:// prefix.
Alerts can be configured to meet any requirements, for my use, the results are being sent via email to a seperate ticketing system.
To set up email alerts, create a file called emailAlert.py in the cloned directory. Feel free to use the template provided below, just make sure you configure it to your needs. For this implementation and testing I'd recommend setting up a spare gmail account.
import smtplib
import os
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
class EmailAlert:
def __init__(self):
def send_email_alert(self, host_name, soup_diff, visscan_timestamp, detected_change, result_scrn_location):
before_scrn_location = "./scan_data/" + host_name + "/scrncompare/"+visscan_timestamp+"/PREV_SCRN_"+visscan_timestamp+".png"
img_data_before = open(before_scrn_location, 'rb').read()
image_before = MIMEImage(img_data_before, name=os.path.basename(before_scrn_location))
img_data_after = open(result_scrn_location, 'rb').read()
image_after = MIMEImage(img_data_after, name=os.path.basename(result_scrn_location))
# set the 'from' address,
fromaddrs = '[email protected]'
# set the 'to' addresses,
# toaddrs = ['[email protected]']
toaddrs = '[email protected]'
msg = MIMEMultipart()
msg['From'] = fromaddrs
msg['To'] = toaddrs
msg['Subject'] = "WebCompare Alert: " + host_name
body = "Timestamp:* \n" + str(visscan_timestamp) + "\n\n*Visual Scan*\n" + "Detected Visual Change vs previous scan: \n* " + str(detected_change) + "%\n\nSee attached images for visual comparison" + "\n\n*Code Changes*\n"
for i in soup_diff:
body += str(i)
msg.attach(MIMEText(body, 'plain'))
# setup the email server,
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
# add my account login name and password,
server.login(fromaddrs, "youremailpassword")
# Print the email's contents for debugging
print('From: ' + fromaddrs)
print('To: ' + str(toaddrs))
# pint('Message: ' + str(msg))
# send the email
text = msg.as_string()
server.sendmail(fromaddrs, toaddrs, text)
# disconnect from the server
- Selenium - Used for visual change detection.
- snags141 - Initial work
- evcsec