This project is an interpreter, written in JS, that can run a workable and growing subset of Clojure.
This project isn't something you'd ever want to use in production, since Clojurescript already exists. Rather, it's a way for me to play around with writing an interpreter.
Here's some simple code it can run today:
(def test-list (list 1 2 3))
(defn map2 [f theList]
(if (not-empty theList)
(cons (f (first theList)) (map2 f (rest theList)))
(defn inclist [theList]
(map2 inc theList))
(let [test-list (list 2 3 4) test-map {:a true :b false}]
(cons (get test-map :a) (inclist test-list))) ; returns (true 3 4 5)
To run, just require src/index.js
from this module, which exports a function
that takes a program string as its sole argument.