Heroku URL: https://shopaholics-anonymous.herokuapp.com
- Sign up and sign in with either Google or a unique username and password
- Choose whether to act as a customer or a driver
- View your information on the Dashboard
- Create a grocery list or shop for someone else's groceries!
- Create a grocery list of items and specify dropoff time and location
- Pay for your list using Stripe (see test information below)
- Your order will be matched with an available driver
- Chat with your driver via instant messaging on your Dashboard
- Once you've received your order, resolve it from the Dashboard to free yourself and the driver for a new purchase
- View past orders by clicking on their ID at the bottom of your Dashboard
- Access your Driver Dashboard for the first time to fill out your driver-specific information. You can edit this later from the Driver Dashboard
- Click on Start Matching to make yourself available to match with an order
- Once you're matched with an order, you can see the grocery list, dropoff location, and delivery instructions on your Driver Dashboard
- Chat with your customer via instant messaging on your Driver Dashboard
- Once your customer has resolved the order, you can choose to start matching again
- View past completed orders by clicking on their ID at the bottom of your Driver Dashboard
- See your total money earned and deliveries made on the Driver Dashboard
- If you sign up with your own unique credentials instead of using Google, you must use a valid email to be able to reset your password via email
- Otherwise, we use Google's OAuth to create a new account and sign in
- You cannot sign up with Google and then access that account with a normal sign in or vice versa
- You only fill out general user information on sign up. If you wish to be a driver, you will need to fill out additional info by accessing the Driver Dashboard
- We use Stripe as our payment system (https://stripe.com/). Stripe only accepts valid credit card info. To use test information:
- Email: Any valid email pattern
- Credit Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242
- Expiration: Any month and year in the future (e.g. 02/2020)
- CVV: Any three-digit number
Our chat functionality uses Twilio (https://www.twilio.com/)
Our search results are from Walmart for our Charlottesville location (https://www.walmart.com/)
- Security
- You cannot access the store page until you are logged in
- You cannot access the sign up or sign in pages once logged in
- URLs do not change with the user, so you cannot access someone else's information by typing in a certain URL
- You cannot access an order summary of which you were neither the customer nor the driver
- Google maps and addressing
- When you create an order and fill out dropoff, Google will auto-populate the address field based on what you type
- If you are the driver, you can see a map of dropoff location from the Driver Dashboard
- You can see a map of dropoff location when viewing a past order (either as a user or a driver)