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3.1. Common behaviour

embar- edited this page Jul 27, 2020 · 21 revisions

Then EEGLAB is started, you can see menu Darbeliai.

Darbeliai in EEGLAB

GUI dialogs of Darbeliai

In typical dialog (see 2 Fig.):

  1. File loading options allows to select main directory for input files, and (sometimes) file loading order between functions (tasks).
  2. Selection of files for processing.
  3. Options of tasks. Dialog-specific part.
  4. File saving options. Allow change output directory (and sometimes other parameters).
  5. Behaviour at termination of all tasks.
  6. Button for execution of functions.

Typical dialog

  • Ways to select directory for input or output (1 and 4 in Fig 2):
    • Enter path manually. If specified output directory does not exist, program will ask about creation of it.
    • Press […] to navigate for existing directories.
    • Or press [v] to choose one from list: any level parent directory, one level subdirectory, directory of EEGLAB sample files (for input), temporary directory (for output) or some folder from history.
  • Tips for selection of files (2 in Fig 2).
    • Files (to be displayed for selection) can be determined by entering filter string at 'Show';
      • '*' means all files;
      • 'x*' means all files, begining with x;
      • '*1*' means all files, anywere in filename containing number one (1);
      • '*.set' means all files ending with '.set';
      • multiple rules can be separated by semicolon (;), e.g. '*.set;*.edf;*.cnt';
      • you can search for files in subdirectories:
        • './*/*.set' – search *.set format files in one level subdirectories in Linux/MAC;
        • './*/*/*.set' – search *.set format files in two level subdirectories in Linux/MAC;
        • '.\*\*.set' – search *.set format files in one level subdirectories in MS Windows;
        • '.\*\*\*.set' – search *.set format files in two level subdirectories in Windows;
        • you can search for files in parent directories:
        • '../*.set' – search *.set format files in parent directory in Linux/MAC;
        • '../../*.set' – search *.set format files in two levels up directory in Linux/MAC;
        • '..\*.set' – search *.set format files in parent directory in MS Windows;
        • '..\..\*.set' – search *.set format files in two levels up directory in MS Windows;
      • Some more complex example for Linux/MAC (in Windows folders separated by '\'):
        • '../m*.set;v*.set;./*/t*.set;./u*.set' – search *.set files, but in main directory look for files begining with 'u', in parent – with 'm' or 'v', in subdirectories – with 't'; i.e. if directory is not specified in some part of filter, filter is apllyied for last directory; to force search in main directory, you must begin part of filter with './' for Linux/MAC or with '.\' for Windows.
    • Files can be selected (marked) by entering filter strings at 'Select'. Rules same as above.
    • You can select multiple files by mouse (hold Ctrl), by keyboard (hold Ctrl or Shift, move with ↑ and ↓, select with space).
  • Dialog-specific options for particular tasks.
    • Options can provide button to select EEG channels and/or events (that exist in selected EEG data files), but this feature will work only with EEGLAB *.set files.
  • Activating button for execution (6 in Fig 2).
    • You must select some files and choose correct parameters of tasks/functions, otherwise you can not press this button. Problematic area usually will be marked by yellow color.
  • Behaviour at termination of tasks.
    • 'Closing then completed' closes active dialog of 'Darbeliai' then all task in it are done; EEGLAB or MATLAB program will not be closed.
    • 'Go to saved files directory then completed' option will change main directory for opening of files by value of output directory.
    • 'Break work' checkbox will appear at execution. If checked, program will stop execution of job not immediately, but safely after completing tasks with current data file. This checkbox will be automatically checked, if you press [Close] button in dialog or if you try to close window itself; if you do so and if checkbox is already checked, program may ask you about terminating of jobs.

In 2015.07.x versions, you can also see menu in each dialog:

Later versions provides more options, e.g. view and compare EEG via Actions menu.

Launching dialogs via command line

You can open dialogs of Darbeliai and execute tasks via command line. From Darbeliai 2015.07.03 version, you can use these optional parameters:

  • 'files' – list of input files;
  • 'pathin' – directory of input files;
  • 'pathout' – output directory;
  • 'preset' – user's configuration for particular dialog; to create new preset, in (almost) any dialog of Darbeliai go Options > Save;
  • 'counter' – number for numbering output directories;
  • 'mode' – argument can be one of these (corresponds option in Workflow Master dialog):
    • 'confirm' – never execute automatically, only load configuration and wait for confirmation;
    • 'tryexec' – load configuration and check it, if it has no errors – execute, otherwise – wait for confirmation;
    • 'forceexec' – try execute without prior checking.

Example (for Linux/MAC ):

pop_pervadinimas('files', {'1.set' '2.set'}, 'pathin', '/home/user/EEG/data/', 'pathout', '/tmp', 'mode', 'tryexec')