xfwm has the all window manager features i need. Like most window managers, I just had to add a few things to make it ready to use, and it was even easier in my opinion.
xfwm is generally provided by the package xfwm4.
sudo apt install xfwm4
to get started, you can start xfwm with a display manager. in this case i use lightdm, so i need to create xfwm4.desktop file on my /usr/share/xsessions/ directory.
sudo nano /usr/share/xsessions/xfwm4.desktop
xfwm has three setting options by default :
- xfwm4-settings for theme and shortcuts
- xfwm4-tweaks-settings for compositor
- xfwm4-workspace-settings for workspace and gaps
xfwm4-settings can't be used as an apps launcher, so i need to install sxhkd for that.
sudo apt install sxhkd
The last step is to create the autostart file. I use Debian and lightdm as display manager, so I need to create the .xsessionrc file, and enter sxhkd into it.
sudo nano ~/.xsessionrc
my xfwm when idle
besides using sxhkd as an launcher, i also use rofi
only shows you when some apps are opened
xfwm tilling, yups you can make xfwm like tilling window manager just using the xfwm4-workspace-settings
all the theme that i use on this config, thanks for all creators !!!
you can choose polybar themes in my other repos :)