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Dotfiles for BSPWM



1) Minimal Arch Install (Grub, Pipewire, NetworkManager. Packages: git)

2) Install yay

    git clone
    cd yay
    makepkg -si
    cd ~

3) Clone the BSPWM_Dots repo

4) Install AUR & Pacman packages (optional: extra)

    cd BSPWM_Dots/1. Packages/
    sudo pacman -S $(cat PacmanPackages.txt)
    yay -S $(cat AURPackages.txt)
    yay -S $(cat ExtraPackages.txt)
    sudo pacman -U transmission-gtk-3.00-6-x86_64.pkg.tar.zst
    cd ~

6) Generate the User folders

    LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 xdg-user-dirs-update --force

7) Copy #2 Home configs in home folder

    cp -R BSPWM_Dots/2. Home Config Files/* /home/user/.config/

8) Copy #3 Fonts

    sudo cp -R BSPWM_Dots/3. User Share Fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/
    sudo fc-cache -fv

9) Copy #4 Themes

    sudo cp -R BSPWM_Dots/4. User Share Themes/* /usr/share/themes/

10) Copy #5 Custom Scripts

    sudo cp -R BSPWM_Dots/5. User Local Bin/* /usr/local/bin/

11) Copy #6 ETC configurations

    sudo cp -R BSPWM_Dots/6. ETC/* /etc/

12) Install Oh-my-zsh

    sh -c "$(wget -O -)"

13) Copy #7 Home Hidden Files

    cp -R BSPWM_Dots/7. Home Hidden Files/.[a-zA-Z0-9]* /home/user/

    ** Check to see if files and folders have copied with ls -la If not then copy one by one **

14) Copy #8 Root config files (need to log in as root with su)

    cd ~
    mkdir /root/.config
    cp -R /home/user/BSPWM_Dots/8. Root/Config/* /root/.config/

15) Copy #9 Pictures (needed for wallpaper & screen lock)

    cp -R BSPWM_Dots/9. Pictures/* /home/user/Pictures/

16) Post install:

    rm -rf /home/user/yay
    rm -rf /home/user/BSPWM_Dots
    sudo chown -R user:user /home/user

    sudo systemctl enable bluetooth
    * While in a GUI Environment *
    betterlockscreen -u /home/user/Pictures/Wallpapers/Lock.jpg

17) Install a Login Manager (SDDM or ly for minimal)

    sudo pacman -S ly
    sudo systemctl enable ly


You should have a fully working BSPWM installation.

IMPORTANT KEYBINDS (see .config/bspwm/sxhkdrc):

    super                     Launches Rofi
    super + q                 Quits
    super + x                 Shutdown Menu
    super + enter             Alacritty
    super + Shift + f         Thunar
    super + Shift + w         Firefox
    super + Shift + t         Geany


killall xsettingsd
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme Qogir-dark
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme Papirus
*** May need to kill xsettingsd prior to changing appearance settings ***
