An experimental Chataigne's Module to interact with Holophonix spatial audio processor.
Main purpose is to create Cues(or scenes) of tracks 3D positions(XYZ or AED) and Gains to reload them similar a lighting Cues logic.
To install the Custom Module, download and unzip the files to your Documents/Chataigne/Modules folder.
- Add an Holophonix module instance (pick it in "Spatial Audio" category").
- Specify your local OSC receiving port.
- Specify IP address and OSC port of your Holophonix processor.
- Specify Tracks IDs to add, accepted formats are:
- single number (ex: 9)
- range of numbers (ex: 5-15)
- list of numbers (ex: 3,12,89,45)
- In "Rec Mode", you can record/reload/update or delete Global Cues (XYZ,AED and Gain values).
- If you don't specify a custom name for new created Cue, "Cue" + number is set by default.
- Be sure to send a "Request" about XYZ,AED and Gain values to Holophonix processor BEFORE record or update a Cue (manually or automatically)
- "Create Cue" generates associated Cue (consequences TRUE of Cues). You can use these triggers to reload Cues.
- To reload Cues you've got to uncheck "Rec Mode" before to avoid I/O data's loop, it disables OSC input and set AED or XYZ and Gain Outputs as active.
- BE CAREFUL! You've got to choose which kind of states you stay activated between "XYZ Outputs" and "AED Outputs". Send both kind of coordinates simultaneously is not really recommended.
- You can also set custom interpolation's curves and times per-track if needed (Default is set to "Bezier" and "5 seconds").
You can automatically( with a "request rate" setting) or manually send "get" commands to the third within modules parameters :
- XYZ positions Request : for (x,y,z)cartesian coordinates
- AED positions Request : for (a,e,d) spherical coordinates
- Gain Request : for gains
You may also use Module Commands to send parameters to Holophonix processor :
- aed(sourceIndex, aed)
- xyz(sourceIndex, xyz)
- gain(sourceIndex, gain)
And send manually queries commands :
- getAED(sourceIndex)
- getXYZ(sourceIndex)
- getGain(sourceIndex)