wut 1.3.0
wut 1.3.0
Important changes
- newlib syscalls refactored for latest devkitPPC
CafeOS related changes
- Fix OSDynLoad_Error to be a 32bit value by @Maschell in #305
- Fix OSDynLoad_EntryReason values by @Exzap in #307
- Add MCP_CompatLoadAVFile by @GaryOderNichts in #309
- Add KernelInfo0/KernelInfo6 structs by @Maschell in #310
- MCP_GetSystemVersion by @GaryOderNichts in #311
- Separate vpadbase from vpad by @GaryOderNichts in #312
- Add missing MCP functions/enums & add more fields to LaunchInfo struct by @Maschell in #313