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Monorepository with gitmodules for easy development of the entire project in one place.


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Repository files navigation


Gitpod Discord

Deep Architecture


Gitpod usage


Everything starts automatically. Just watch the terminal.

When all tasks are done, you can open Deep.Case App in browser: http://localhost:3007/ (ctrl/cmd + click by link)

It is also possible to open 3007 port manually, to do it open PORTS tab and select link for 3007 port.



GitPod may fail to load prebuild, in that case it is recommended to use these sequence of actions in existing GitPod instance (use GitPod instance multiple times, remember GitPod still may fail):

  1. Press CTRL+C in Gitpod Task 2: bash terminal. Or stop active npm run gitpod-start command.
  2. Execute
npm run gitpod-update
  1. Press ↑ in Gitpod Task 2: bash terminal and restart npm run gitpod-start command.

Codespaces usage

Everything starts automatically.

When all tasks are done, you can open Deep.Case App in browser: http://localhost:3007/ (ctrl/cmd + click by link)

You may need to make port 3007 public.


When all tasks are done, you can open Deep.Case App using PORTS tab:


Local usage


  • Install nvm

    curl -o- | bash
    export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
    [ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
  • Install docker and docker-compose
    If you have Docker Desktop with docker compose (not docker-compose) you should enable this setting in Docker Desktop: image Or use this command (if your are on linux):

    echo 'docker compose --compatibility "$@"' | sudo tee -a /usr/local/bin/docker-compose && sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

    Install docker on Ubuntu or use this commands:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install -y git curl docker-compose

    Optionally set up docker group and add user to this group (it may be done automatically on installation):

    sudo groupadd docker
    sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

    These commands must be able to run without sudo, if it is not the case restart computer or relogin as user.

    docker run hello-world
    docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter "ancestor=hello-world")
    docker image rm hello-world
  • Run this script to initialize and launch deep

    git clone --depth=1
    cd dev
    nvm install && nvm use
    npm i -g npm@latest
    npm ci
    npm run packages | tee local.packages.log.txt
    npm run local | tee local.log.txt

    Run migrations while npm run local is executed (for example in separate terminal or screen).

    cd dev
    nvm use
    npm run local-migrate | tee local.migrations.log.txt


npm run local


When all tasks are done, you can open Deep.Case App in browser: http://localhost:3007/ (ctrl/cmd + click by link)

Server usage


Make sure you have virtual machine or server that is connected to the internet.

If you would like to use domain and SSL, make sure:

  • DNS server of this domain configurated to point to the public IP of your server;
  • HTTP (80) port for cerbot is accessable from the internet to be able to authenticate the domain ownership;
  • HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) ports are accessible from the internet to make nginx work correctly and make the Deep itself accessable.

If you would like to use IP without SSL, make sure:

Note that access via IP is not secure (there is no way to issue SSL certificate to IP address), that means it can be only used for development purposes with no sensetive data.

Install docker

sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y git curl docker-compose

Add docker group (optional)

Sometimes this action is not done on docker's installation via apt/apt-get or you may need to add access for docker to another user.

sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)

Check docker

These commands must be able to run without sudo, if it is not the case restart computer or relogin as user.

docker run hello-world
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q --filter "ancestor=hello-world")
docker image rm hello-world

Continue only if docker run hello-world works without sudo and errors.

After docker installation it may be required to move files to another drive (for example on azure VMs).

Install nvm

curl -o- | bash
export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"

Install node

nvm install 18 && nvm alias default 18 && nvm use default

Update npm

npm i -g npm@latest


Configure deep (to support domain with SSL)

export GQL_SSL="1"
export PROTOCOL="https"

Install and configure nginx (to support domain with SSL)

mkdir nginx
cd nginx
npm i commander
node configure-nginx.js --configurations "$DEEPCASE_HOST 3007" "$DEEPLINKS_HOST 3006" --certbot-email [email protected]
cd ..
rm -rf nginx

This command can be used to update the certificate once it expires (every 3 months). It may be a good idea to add it as sh script to cron.

Configure deep (to support IP without SSL)

Do not execute this step if you selected steps for domain with SSL before.

export GQL_SSL="0"
export PROTOCOL="http"
export HOST_IP=""
export DEEPCASE_HOST="$HOST_IP:3007"

Install deeplinks global command

npm rm --unsafe-perm -g @deep-foundation/deeplinks
npm install --unsafe-perm -g @deep-foundation/deeplinks@latest

Make your Deep instance configurations (aka call-options.json)

export HASURA_ADMIN_SECRET=$(node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(24).toString('hex'));")
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=$(node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(24).toString('hex'));")
export MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=$(node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(24).toString('hex'));")
export MINIO_SECRET_KEY=$(node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(24).toString('hex'));")
tee call-options.json << JSON
  "operation": "run",
  "envs": {
    "JWT_SECRET": "'{\"type\":\"HS256\",\"key\":\"$(node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(50).toString('base64'));")\"}'",
    "DEEPLINKS_HASURA_STORAGE_URL": "http://host.docker.internal:8000/",
    "HASURA_GRAPHQL_DATABASE_URL": "postgres://postgres:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@postgres:5432/postgres",
    "POSTGRES_MIGRATIONS_SOURCE": "postgres://postgres:$POSTGRES_PASSWORD@host.docker.internal:5432/postgres?sslmode=disable",

Check that no other deep instances installed at the moment

docker ps -a

On fresh/clean server this list should be empty. If you have any previously installed deep instances, make sure the data is backed up.

Install your own deep instance

export DEEPLINKS_CALL_OPTIONS=$(cat call-options.json)
export DEBUG="deeplinks:engine:*,deeplinks:migrations:*"

Check that deep instance is installed correctly

docker ps -a

Make sure that all containers have status "Up".


Entire docker

sudo systemctl stop docker
sudo systemctl start docker

Single docker container

docker restart deep-links


Update deeplinks (optional)

npm rm --unsafe-perm -g @deep-foundation/deeplinks
npm install --unsafe-perm -g @deep-foundation/deeplinks@latest

Delete previous versions of docker images (optional)

Sometimes it is not require to delete previous versions of docker images, sometimes this is the only way to make update work.

docker stop deep-case deep-links
docker rm deep-case deep-links
docker image rm deepf/deeplinks:main
docker image rm deepf/deepcase:main
docker image pull deepf/deepcase:main
docker image pull deepf/deeplinks:main

Restore/update using installed deeplinks command

export DEEPLINKS_CALL_OPTIONS=$(cat call-options.json)
export DEBUG="deeplinks:engine:*,deeplinks:migrations:*"


Remove docker containers:

docker stop $(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | grep '^deep-.*$')
docker rm $(docker ps -a --format "{{.Names}}" | grep '^deep-.*$')

Remove unused volumes (may destroy you data, it is irreversible operation, this step is optional):

docker volume prune -af

Remove migrations state (should be executed only if you deleted volumes):

rm -f /tmp/deep/.migrate

Remove deeplinks global command:

npm rm --unsafe-perm -g @deep-foundation/deeplinks

Manual terminal methods

Docker control

  • npm run docker-deep-start start all deep docker containers
  • npm run docker-deep-stop stop all deep docker containers
  • npm run docker-clear remove (!!WARNING!!) ALL docker containers and volumes in docker



  • npm run gitpod-start gitpod start u


  • npm run gitpod-local local launch processes
  • npm run gitpod-recreate docker/migrations clear/init


  • npm ci; npm run git-shh-to-https; npm run packages before all, only ONCE PER GITPOD CONTAINER!
  • npm ci; npm run git-shh-to-https; npm run gitpod gitpod start up



  • npm run local local launch processes
  • npm run local-recreate docker/migrations clear/init


  • npm ci && npm run packages before all, only ONCE PER GITPOD CONTAINER!


  • npm run rm-migrates to delete all .migrate artifacts of npm migrate package


If dependencies are updated in workspaces (deeplinks, deepcase, deepcase-app), we must use these specific commands to make GitPod and GitHub Actions to work correclty in these packages.

If package.json and package-lock.json was updated in submodule/workspace separately and committed, please make sure you also executed npm run sync (which also executes npm i in dev repository, and it also commits all changes in all submodules/workspaces), or to test it locally you may use npm run gitpod-update command.

  • npm run workspace-install --workspace_arg=deeplinks --package_arg="@deep-foundation/hasura@latest" to update hasura in deeplinks.
  • npm run workspace-install --workspace_arg=deeplinks --package_arg="@deep-foundation/npm-packager@latest" to update npm-packager in deeplinks.
  • npm run workspace-install --workspace_arg=deepcase --package_arg=emoji-picker-react to install package in deepcase workspace (this command update package-lock.json in both dev and package/deepcase folders).
  • npm run workspace-install --workspace_arg=deepcase --package_arg="@deep-foundation/deeplinks@latest" to update deeplinks in deepcase.
  • npm run workspace-install --workspace_arg=deepcase-app --package_arg="@deep-foundation/deepcase@latest" to update deepcase in deepcase-app.

Unsafe gulp methods

  • attention! before work checkout to branch from detached commits in each needed submodule
  • npm run gulp -- packages:get clone and install all packages starts automatically in workspace
  • (cd packages/hasura && npm run docker-local) start docker postgres and hasura locally starts automatically in workspace
  • npm run gulp -- packages:set fast git add git commit and git push deepcase repo
  • npm run gulp -- package:insert --url HTTPGITURL --name NAMEINPACKAGESDIRECTORY insert submodule
  • npm run gulp -- package:delete --name NAMEINPACKAGESDIRECTORY delete submodule
  • npm run gulp -- assets:update copy all assets from ./assets in to each package
  • npm run gulp -- packages:sync sync all dependenced packages in workspace
