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Discord theme that will always match your wallpaper!



Because why not, I like having same theme on everything I thought it's cool.

What does it really change?

Like in title, overall discord theme, but Themecord also contains little animations on cursor hover on specific objects, list etc.


Supported Clients:

  • Vencord
  • Vesktop

Generating colorscheme

Before you even start doing ANYTHING, you have to choose if you wanna use pywal or wallust

In case of hellwal you have to copy css file:

./css/hellwal/discord-colors.css to ~/.config/hellwal/templates/ folder

in case of pywal:

./css/pywal/discord-colors.css to ~/.config/wal/templates/ folder

and in case of wallust:

./css/wallust/discord-colors.css to ~/.config/wallust/templates/ folder

also add to ~/.config/wallust/wallust.toml required config:

themecord.template = "discord-colors.css" = '~/.cache/wallust/discord-colors.css'



yay -S themecord


  1. Install supported discord client
  2. Download themecord from release page
  3. Look into # Generating colorscheme Section
  4. In your discord client, go to themes and select Themecord from available themes.
  5. Now after you run hellwal, pywal or wallust run ./themecord and your discord theme will be applied.

You can put it in /usr/local/bin/ for ease of use


  1. Add themecord to inputs(just like home-manager) in your config flake:
themecord = {
   url = "github:danihek/themecord";
   inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
  1. Add as a module:
({ config, pkgs, ... }: {
  environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [

(Example from my config) alt text

  1. Rebuild your configuration and run themecord

  2. Go to discord client and select Themecord from available themes alt text

  3. Now after you run hellwal, pywal or wallust run ./themecord and your discord theme will be applied. and your discord client will update it's theme.


In folder ./nix you can see example how I added to my flake hellwal, wallust and pywal templates.

Example usage

In folder ./example you see example script which you can use as your template in your own script/config for changing wallpapers and edit to your needs.

Enjoy theme'in!!


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