The Discord Bot 🤖
Bot Used Exclusively For The S-Race Discord Server, Will Be Available For More Soon!
This bot relies on the youtube_rss microservice for the track command, to retrieve the latest youtube video posted to a tracked channel. Add the url to an instance of the service to allow the command to work, in the .env file under RSS_SERVER
- !suicide - gives suicide hotline info
- !hello
- !drive - link to Suicide Race Drive
- !ping - reply pong with ms response time
- !prize - special video
- !help - gives list of commands
- !clear [arg] - will clear arg number of msgs
- !image - generate random image
- !lenny - lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- !fortune - ask the bot for your fortune
- !flipcoin - quick heads or tails
- !fliptext - reverse and flip text
- !zalgo
- !slap - slap a user in the channel
- !calc - calculate an expression
- !space
- !bin - convert decimal to binary
- !oct - convert decimal to octal
- !hex - convert decimal to hexadecimal
- !cat - display random cat pic
- !cow
- !dog
- !pepe
- !urban - search urban dictionary
- !weather - get weather conditions in a specified location
- !track - get notifications of the latest videos from a youtube channels
- !untrack - stop tracking a previously tracked youtube channel
- !lofi - choose from a couple of lofi channels for music
- !play [arg] - arg can be a youtube link / id or a query
- !stop - stop all music (will also clear the queue)
- !skip - go to next song in list (if available)
- !next - see skip
- !queue - view items in queue
- !back - go to previous song
- !details - view details of currently playing song
- !pause - pause currently playing song
- !resume - resume currently pause song