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Quick start

  1. git clone
  2. docker-compose build
  3. Create this env file:
  1. docker-compose up

  2. Open another terminal window.

  3. docker-compose run nginx ./hoot/ loaddata get_fixture.json

  4. cd frontend

  5. npm install

  6. npm start

  7. go to localhost:3000 in web browser

notes for neil

  1. Fix data from spreadsheets function ✓
  2. Add recommended search ✓
  3. fix url encoding/decoding bugs ✓?
  4. Keyboard shortcuts (focus search, clear search) ✓
  5. nginx deployment strategy ✓
  6. Embedding pdfs and colors ✓
  7. Make section home show all entries for section ✓
  8. Make homepage show all entries ✓
  9. Why is "10 Questions" not working (turns out django doesn't like escaped ampersands)
  10. There were duplicates in the spread sheet feels bad man nope there were not
  11. Don't send request for recommended results when on section homepage ✓
  12. Don't send request for sections, quick links and such every time we search.
  13. Fix everything in views to use "sections" not section ✓
  14. Logging
  15. logging stats ✓
  16. Multiple sources of truth in Header (query) and Sidebar (section)
  17. Honestly just refactor the entire frontend to look like meow
  18. Unit testing for front end functions and backend
  19. frontend confusing variable and function names
  20. test that url stuff works ?query=125!@#$%^&()

Small things

  1. Improve docker file
  2. add .dockerignore ✓
  3. add deploy script
  4. Search bar + search button style ✓
  5. Sometimes "Loading.." does not show up ✓
  6. When you have something searched and you switch sections, it doesn't re issue a query ✓
  7. When you paste a link into the browser with a query, it doesn't fill in the search text field with the query from the url
  8. Clear section filtering
  9. Don't have 2 sources of truth for section (url and useState in App.js)
  10. Massive housekeeping of App.js:
  11. Keyboard shortcuts have 2 places of duplicate code
  12. put helper functions outside
  13. Actually make the radio buttons update according to redux state LOL


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