git clone
docker-compose build
- Create this env file:
docker-compose up
Open another terminal window.
docker-compose run nginx ./hoot/ loaddata get_fixture.json
cd frontend
npm install
npm start
go to
in web browser
- Fix data from spreadsheets function ✓
- Add recommended search ✓
- fix url encoding/decoding bugs ✓?
- Keyboard shortcuts (focus search, clear search) ✓
- nginx deployment strategy ✓
- Embedding pdfs and colors ✓
- Make section home show all entries for section ✓
- Make homepage show all entries ✓
- Why is "10 Questions" not working (turns out django doesn't like escaped ampersands)
There were duplicates in the spread sheet feels bad mannope there were not- Don't send request for recommended results when on section homepage ✓
- Don't send request for sections, quick links and such every time we search.
- Fix everything in views to use "sections" not section ✓
- Logging
- logging stats ✓
- Multiple sources of truth in Header (query) and Sidebar (section)
- Honestly just refactor the entire frontend to look like meow
- Unit testing for front end functions and backend
- frontend confusing variable and function names
- test that url stuff works ?query=125!@#$%^&()
- Improve docker file
- add .dockerignore ✓
- add deploy script
- Search bar + search button style ✓
- Sometimes "Loading.." does not show up ✓
- When you have something searched and you switch sections, it doesn't re issue a query ✓
- When you paste a link into the browser with a query, it doesn't fill in the search text field with the query from the url
- Clear section filtering
- Don't have 2 sources of truth for section (url and useState in App.js)
- Massive housekeeping of App.js:
- Keyboard shortcuts have 2 places of duplicate code
- put helper functions outside
- Actually make the radio buttons update according to redux state LOL