I created a random passowrd generator. This app runs in the browser when you click the generate password button.
The application first asks you how long you would like your password to be you can choose a password bewtween 8-30 characters long.
The app will then ask you if you would like to include Upper case letters, lowewr case letters, numbers and special characters.
Once you answer all the questions the app will return a random password of your specified length.
The randon password generator features dynamically updated Html and CSS powered by Javascript.The app also has media screens in the css file
so that it looks good no mattter what kind of device you are viewing the app on.
AS AN employee with access to sensitive data
I WANT to randomly generate a password that meets certain criteria
SO THAT I can create a strong password that provides greater security
GIVEN I need a new, secure password
WHEN I click the button to generate a password
THEN I am presented with a series of prompts for password criteria
WHEN prompted for password criteria
THEN I select which criteria to include in the password
WHEN prompted for the length of the password
THEN I choose a length of at least 8 characters and no more than 128 characters
WHEN asked for character types to include in the password
THEN I confirm whether or not to include lowercase, uppercase, numeric, and/or special characters
WHEN I answer each prompt
THEN my input should be validated and at least one character type should be selected
WHEN all prompts are answered
THEN a password is generated that matches the selected criteria
WHEN the password is generated
THEN the password is either displayed in an alert or written to the page
no installation just follow this link.
This application is licensed by MIT
Cyrus Khiabani
Contact Me
email me [email protected]
find me on Github, cykj40
This Readme was made by 🚀 Cy ⚡