Provision a fully set-up Wordpress blog with database and web server on AWS EC2 instances using Terraform
Download the files in this repository to a working folder locally.
To start the servers you will need to make the following changes:
Change the details marked in the comments in the following files:
- - - - scripts/add-wp.yaml - change the following value in line 48 to your secret API key YOUR_KEY_ID_GOES_HERE - scripts/add-wp.yaml - change the following value in line 49 to your secret API key YOUR_SECRET_KEY_GOES_HERE - scripts/add-wp.yaml - change the following value in line 53 to your server name that you gave in the tags of "Values=Isti_MySQL"
Copy your private key (.pem format) into the folder
Open a terminal, install terraform if not yet present
Navigate into the folder containing the .tf files and type the following:
To initiate Terraform: - terraform init To validate your configuration files: - terraform validate To apply changes and provision the servers: - terraform apply
You can check the server status on your AWS EC2 dashboard. The wordpress site should be available when the server configuration is finished.
IMPORTANT: HTTPS is not available in this version, so make sure to open your blog using a http:// address.